2024 – April part 1

Hey everyone! After “work” today (which involved a lot of LinkedIn Learning courses) I got the kids to lay down with me, at least the boys. I snapped a photo as they all took a quick nap before dinner. We finally got our wall fixed inside our garage! That was so overdue to be done. […]

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2024 – March part 5

hey again Our trip back home was a bit more eventful for Luca. This time he was able to stay awake for both the takeoff and the landing. And the landing.. oh my goodness. We were treated to a beautiful rainbow (with a faint double rainbow above that) when we landed. Probably one of –

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2024 – March part 1

Hey there We begin this month much how we ended last month: my parents visiting (for Ara’s birthday). I still can’t believe she is 10 already. What else? The beginning of March has come with snow! Not a bunch of stuff accumulated, however its always nice to see it fall. The mornings and evenings were

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