2024 – June part 2

hey again, The other day we were driving and noticed this vehicle. The license plate says “KHAAAN” and they have a live long and prosper decal on their window. That is a pretty great plate. I pulled up next to them just to tell them it was cool. You know what is nice? Having a […]

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New (but used) Car!

Hey again, I’m sad to report that we lost our iPad mini that we have had with us since right before Arabella was born. Here is how she looked. She was well loved for over 10 years. That does go to show you that some Apple products last a long time. In other news: As

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2024 – June part 1

Hey There, It’s crazy that we are six months into this year. Here we are more than a month after selling our car, still in a loaner. On Saturday, we were driving home when we saw a Sheriff pull up and stop traffic. Apparently someone was taking the curve too quickly and came into oncoming

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2024 – May part 2

Its been a pretty normal-ish month. If you can have one of those at this stage. I have been doing yard work (see the jungle I had to cut in the backyard). Mark another change: we started going to a new church. New Hope! Also, I sent back my laptop to P3 just the other

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Work Updates

Hey there One thing I didn’t mention from my last post was any update on my job. As of May 10th, I advised P3 that I accepted another job at another firm. Everyone was nicer than I thought they would be, they all said that they assumed I was looking for another job and didn’t

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The Aurora Borealis

Hey there, So have some cool photos to share. On the night of May 10th (leading to the 11th) we were delighted to find out that the Aurora Borealis would be reaching down much further south than it had in many years. How far south? Well, there are photos of people from Sacramento seeing it.

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2024 – May part 1

May day! I feel like this. Its been beautiful outside – Mt. Hood has been putting on a show for all to take in. Also, for the first time since we have lived in Oregon, we switched up our eye doctor. We picked some place that was closer to us and that had better availability.

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So, Some kids can be nice, right? Others, not as nice. I remember a time when I just a wee lad. I was playing basketball at the park closest to where I lived. I had just finished and was walking off the court. I remember that I left so that I wouldn’t be out later

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