Author name: admin


Well summer is half over now. We haven’t done as much as we had anticipated. But we have squeezed in a few things like trips to Tillamook, fireworks, and drives through the Gorge. We made our annual trip to the lavender farm where I was able to get my honey! I haven’t taken many photos […]

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7 Years of Bugsy

Lij turned 7! He is obsessed with ghost buster… mostly just the Ecto-1. He really likes the new movies but he really loves the car. Really he still loves all things car… hot wheels, monster trucks, Diggers, etc. It’s hard to believe he’s about to finish up 1st grade and move onto 2nd. He has

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A Decade…

So this happened! My sweet baby girl is officially a decade old. Wow… I can’t believe how grown up she is! She’s turned into this brilliant, thoughtful, beautiful, sweet girl. I feel so lucky that I get to spend so much time with her. I have no doubt that she is making the world a

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12 Weeks

We’ve had little man for 12 weeks now! It’s been such an adventure. From first road-trip (which he took like a pro) to his first Blazers game (also took like a champ)… it’s been a beautiful adventure. I can’t believe how quickly it is going by. Here are a few photos of our adventures.

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Luca Turned 3

Over 1095 days since he’s graced us with his presence. Sweet boy, Sugar Cube, Geeka, Sweetie Pie… he has really lived up to all of his nicknames. I can’t believe it’s been 3 years already. Luca loves Back to the future aka “Back In Time”, driving as many monster trucks as he can hold and

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Happy Birthday!

We woke up around 3:30 with our bags packed and ready to go… not that either of us really slept much. We headed out the door in the Pacifica and made our way down 84 until we met our destination and parked on Level B. We entered in and found the green elevators and up

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Here’s to Fall!

It’s been a Dewzy of a season for sure. With trying to stay on track with school and doctors appointments and trying to purge items we don’t need from the house… it’s been so busy. We have still managed to get a lot done but it has been exhausting to say the least. October has

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School and Beyond!

Our new School year has begun! Ara started 4th grade this year. She has really been enjoying all of her online classes. She’s bummed that her summer is over. She really enjoyed all of her free-time, birthday parties, and fun adventures but she’s excited to start a new school year. She has one of her

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One-on-One Time

Jay says I don’t write enough these days… so here I am writing. Our summer is almost over and it’s been eventful to say the least. I’m mostly ready for school to start again. All the curriculum has been selected. Orientation is the 30th and classes start on the 5th! The kids just finished up

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