my life, my words.

2024 US Elections

You know what time it is.

I started the month trying to prep my parents for the possibility of it being anyone’s game.


Yeah, game.

Nobody had anything locked down.

Plus, as I have sent my parents previously. some weird things are going on about this election. Case in point the video below. This was back in June or July that this came out, but I’ve gone back to it a few times.

So that’s kinda odd. I don’t think she is spot on in implying he will take control of everything. But it is interesting to see who is in power for certifying votes, and what votes get counted. I would suggest that maybe there are ‘other’ votes somewhere. Again, who knows?

All I know is that my hope is in God above and not in the leaders of our country.

Speaking of that. Election day! I voted for what I hoped would have been our first female president.

The country has been so divided on everything as of late. I’ve liked the way that New Hope (our more liberal Christian church) has been dealing with the issue. It’s been so refreshing. Check it out here.

Before you start thinking one way or the other: at the core, it’s about Christians coming together. If you vote for Kamala or Trump, if you vote for someone else entirely – it is about bringing your personal “lean” to the table. What table? The table of Jesus. We should all be able to come together, even if we don’t agree with everything on one side or another. Take your lean and you can learn from others as well. You can also learn why they believe or even vote the way that they do. For me, it takes away the “hate” and lets Christians focus on something bigger than politics.

Pair this with our conservative Church all but telling everyone that they should be voting for Trump. A lot more than that too, but I don’t want to get into everything.

It helped because we went to a ‘welcome’ lunch at the church. One of the pastors talked about how ‘democrats are against the bible and want to take everything away from Christians’ – easy to see the ‘lean’ that he was bringing to the pulpit. He didn’t want to hear any other side or view either. I get it, we can all get pretty worked up over politics. Let’s focus on Jesus and what he would do. How he would vote. What he would prioritize – let those things be a guiding light. Not a way to force others to behave one way or another.

I digress.

However, seeing our first female president? That wasn’t to be the case. I hoped it in Hilary Clinton, and again with Kamala – neither came true. Maybe someday but that day is not today.

Here are some photos I took of the TV over the night.

You can easily say that Trump played his cards right. He was talking to a lot of younger male voters through podcasts and other mediums. He spoke to their hearts and won them over. Even a few women outside of church (from the more conservative one of the two we attend) were saying “Yeah, there is no way I could vote for Kamala, I wanted a Christian.

Well, for better or for worse (time will tell), Trump is the president-elect.

The day after the election, our liberal church had a worship service. This was set up months in advance. Months in advance they said, whoever won they would be praying for. Whoever didn’t win they would also pray for.

It was a healing evening. It was nice to focus on Jesus and worship.

They prayed for Trump, and they prayed for Biden and Kamala as well.

just Love.

until next time

just Pray.

The Portland Japanese Garden

Hey Everyone

It’s November already!

One of the things we usually like to do at the end of October is go to the Japanese Garden. We did not have a chance to do that this year due to work schedules – however, come the beginning of November we made our annual trip.

Here you go!

I don’t believe that pictures do it justice.

If you want my input, the best time of year to go is in the fall. We missed the “peak” time by only a day or so. A year or so back we caught it in all its splendor.

It is still pretty even when you are a bit past its peak.

The day we went was pretty crazy. They were sold out and only allowed members to come in or people who pre-purchased tickets. I’m sure it’s because of how close to peak they were. They said it was their busiest day of the year.

Either way, when in Portland in the fall, feel free to take a visit here.

If you are in Seattle, plan for about a week earlier for the peak fall colors at their Japanese garden.

just Pray

2024 – All Hallows Eve

hey there!

Halloween is upon us.

We have taken the kids to a few different fall fest/Halloween events. Ara has been inviting her friends to them – and they all have wanted to go. Good thing my parents are visiting this week so they could take them in their car as well.

We have gone to events at all sorts of places.

Ara had her first-ever sleepover. It was with her ‘bestie’ Sethann. She was so excited and liked having her over so much that they extended it to two nights.

Pray for us!

All these girls in our house have been a bit trying.

For Halloween night we are heading out downtown and doing events at a few churches.

What else

We just got our pumpkin carved – we did so while watching Hocus Pocus. I think they look pretty good.

I suppose that’s all for now. Bring on November!

end quote {[“I’ll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween.” – Charles S. Swartz”]}

just Pray

my life.  my words. background image