2025 – January part 3

Hey again

It’s that time again. MLK Jr. day.

We took our kids to the Church MLK Jr. visited when he came to Portland. Portland may not have a bunch of history when it comes to things like this, but whatever it does have lets celebrate.

A few years ago we made this trip, but it was over COVID and the wife was with our newborn in the car. I walked up to the outside (seen below where the kids are standing) and someone asked me – “Can I help you”

“Uh, yeah – maybe” and then I explained that I was hoping to see the room where MLK Jr. took the photo. I showed them my phone and then they said “yeah sure! It’s right in here”

And then I looked at the photo and tried to line up my shot to how the photographer would have seen.

History comes to life.

(Above: the photo of MLK Jr. and the church elders, and then the same photo of the room, but in 2021.)

We let the kids see the outside (because nobody was at the church this time. We then took them over to the MLK Jr. tribute /statue they have in Portland which is located a short distance from the church.

We were even lucky enough to see a peaceful protest that day. People walked the streets, right by his state and shouted about civil rights. All these things have taken center stage with the new president (nobody should be surprised by this).

Coming closer to the end of the month, we were able to go see the Chinese New Year lions and dragon dance (hosted by the kids school). It was fun.

Arabella took Korina along as well (that’s the person in the photo holding Ezra)

And that was mainly it.

Oh! I almost forgot.

We kidnapped my father in law and took him to dinner. Wanted to get some more photos and let the kids have as many memories as they can with him.

Get to know him – spend time with him. That kind of thing.

And you’ll notice I also posted a screenshot of the Gulf of Mexico. Why? Well, Google announced they are going to rename it to the “Gulf of America” as Trump as said it will now be known as that.


He is also renaming Mt. Denali in Alaska to Mt. McKinley and the maps will eventually update for that as well.

What can you do?

Isn’t it crazy to think that I have a brother that just turned 48? Where has the time gone?

{[end quote]} “Returning hate for hate only multiplies hate, adding a deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr”

just Pray

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