The Aurora Borealis
Hey there,
So have some cool photos to share.
On the night of May 10th (leading to the 11th), we were delighted to find out that the Aurora Borealis would be reaching down much further south than it had in many years.
How far south?
Well, there are photos of people from Sacramento seeing it.
Heck – even as far south as some desert areas in Arizona! (although I’m sure they had to have an expensive camera to capture it)
We kept the kids up late and went driving down a road not more than 5 minutes from the house (just enough to get away from the streetlights and into some darker areas).
It was b-e-a-utiful. Check it out:

It amazes me that I can take photos like that with my iPhone. Wow, how much technology has changed in the last few years? I remember at one point taking a photo of the moon would look like you were taking a picture of a flashlight. Yet now we can capture stars in the night sky along with these beautiful colors.
It is amazing the display that God puts on for all to see. Don’t get me wrong, I think it would be 100 times more intense if you flew to Alaska or some other areas where they are known for seeing it all the time.. but this little glimpse was great.
Anyway – I hope you didn’t miss out on seeing it. It was great.

It happened the next night too, but it wasn’t forecast to be as strong so we only went the first night.
We took the next day to have a cookout (pictured above) and took the kids to a local park in Sandy.
That wrapped up our adventures with the Borealis.
just Pray