2023 – December part 1
Hey there,
Last month of 2023, and then we will be in the year 2024. Amazing.
The last day of this month is Dec 31, 2023, or 12,31,23 (123123).
We began this month with the opportunity to go see a new movie. “The Shift” by Angel Studios. While at the movies we also got to cash in on a free drink and popcorn that the theater offered the wife since it was recently her birthday. Win-win!
The movie was great, and overall what we would like for a Christian-based movie to look like in the future. Not preachy, and keeps your attention.
When we were home. Luca got hold of an iPad and decided to zoom in as close as he could and take photos of the tree. What a ding dong. That kid is crazy. He probably took 20 or more photos of that tree. He will sometimes talk to us about how he likes the tree. He won’t get too close to it because it has spiders on it though.

What else?
Luca has been loving on what he calls “my baby” or “Geeka’s baby” and part of that is holding him when he has one of us nearby or feeding him when there is milk available for him to feed.
The next day we were at the doctor again, here is a photo of all the rugrats doing their thing.
When we were at home, we noticed that Ara had gotten into some markers and decided to go around the bathroom labeling everything for us. She is proud of herself for being able to sound things out and spell them. The spelling may not be spot on, but you can understand what she is getting at.

Not much else has been happening. I purchased an antenna and got it established recently. Now at some point, I’ll need to get a Tablo to finish everything and have DVR of any OTA shows (over the air) and free for everyone.

The boy is growing nicely. As is typical for every kid we have had, I had to get one of the little ones asleep on me. When you have some good skin-to-skin time going on, you just want to stay laying with them for as long as possible.
endquote: {[ “Newborn babies can’t do much on their own. They can’t eat or walk or talk on the phone. But every parent is sure their creation is without a doubt a tremendous sensation.” – Jennifer Davis”]}
Until next time
just Pray