2022 – January
A new year, a new January.
To start our year, we took a trip to Cape Disappointment and visited the two lighthouses that are close to each other (right on the WA side near Astoria). It normally costs to visit them however on January 1st they let people visit for free.
Gas has been going up, the cheapest I can find it now is 3.22/gal – and apparently, that is Biden’s fault, according to whoever put that sticker up.

We also went to a Blazers game – just me and the wife! It was cool – and they won. What’s even better is that they had this app you could download and they would show a live video of you. I downloaded it and we were up on the mega screen for a little bit. I may have embarrassed Maryia, but it was kinda my job to do so by being nerdy. Plus- being on the mega screen AT a Blazers game?! I can’t pass that up, even if I don’t like being in the spotlight. It helps to wear a mask for such things. I also had my intro to Microsoft and the role I would have at work. It seems pretty legit.
If you don’t recall, I got the best birthday present I could get (on my birthday) which also assures that I don’t have to have all of the attention too. It is a win win win win.
BIRTHDAY BOY! Luca turned one. To celebrate his birthday (and with him being a big basketball fan) we took him to a game ON his birthday. He was super excited.

Okay, okay. I’ll be honest with you. I was pretty excited too. These were special tickets that we purchased as they were celebrating a partnership with the Blazers, Thorns, and Timbers fans. At the end of the game, everyone was invited for pictures down on the court and to shoot around a little. Not something I thought I’d be able to do – but we did it. Everyone from my parents, the kids, and especially Luca had a blast.

In my mind, it will be super hard to top this birthday. Even if he doesn’t grow up to be a super fan or anything, this HAS to rank up there.
One nice thing about the executives telling me that I was moving to Microsoft is that I made a request for another monitor and it was immediately approved. Now I’ll have a good setup at home (see below).

We celebrated MLK Day and found a church where he preached. I stopped by and took some photos of the outside – then someone came out from inside. They asked if they could help me with anything. I let them know I was admiring the history of the building and that MLK had been there. They offered to take me inside and show me where he met with other leaders of the church (photo below). It was a little surreal but love its history of it. The room is pretty much identical, respect now it has some other items in the room.

We felt like we hadn’t been to the beach in a while, so we made the trip over. The kids were all well behaved too. The following week we visited the Cedar Creek Grist Mill (photos below). It was fun and it was cool to see, and truth be told we only went because of the covered bridge. We didn’t know they had a whole area to explore inside the Mill. Outside the kids were booming with energy and took this adorable photo (see the below photo on the picnic table). Luca is doing Elijah’s Iron Man pose.

Luca is up and walking and getting into things more than not, due to that we have created his area in our front room. Not so sure how long we will keep that up (considering how much room it takes up) but it will at least work for now.
just Pray