2021 – December part 2

My parents came up to visit as we came closer to Christmas day.

Keeping busy is a good thing to do when you have so many people inside. We made plans and went to Lightopia (on the west side) which is a drive-through (free) Christmas light display. We also went to Salem and saw the lights they had as well (see the photo of Luca below). It has been pretty cold outside, SO COLD. In fact- they called for snow (well only one forecaster we know of, but we also rely on him more than the others) and sure enough, it started to snow. At first, just Grammy and I were outside in it, and eventually, we got everyone to come out and enjoy it for a little. It was all melted by the next morning.

Grampy has been cooking up some cinnamon rolls with Grammys help – and I must say they turned out well.

Covid? How about Omnicron? There is a new variant out that is causing havoc and getting flights canceled. In response, the CDC said “hey, let’s just cut down the quarantine time for vaccinated employees” – not so sure about the move as they could still be carrying the virus and then pass it on to people who have not been vaccinated, but I suppose this could be another reason to get the vaccine if you haven’t gotten it already.

Christmas is upon us! Luca was able to dress up in Spidey pajamas for Christmas day. The day after Christmas it snowed some more (this is the closest we have gotten to a white Christmas in a long time) and even stuck to the ground longer this time We went outside and took photos (as is typical for us to do).

We also braved some icy roads on Route 30 and went to Multnomah Falls to see her in the snow globe known as Portland.

Crazy to think of, but we have been fortunate enough to see every season that the gorge has to offer. It is a benefit of only being 20 miles away from hundreds of waterfalls.

Work news: I have been allocated 100% on this Microsoft role. I’ll be training my replacement at Bio Marin while also working at Microsoft (so a little double duty for now). I am excited about this role, I have a feeling that maybe something good will come of this.

There was another Blazers game we attended before we went to Peacock Lane. They had it open again for visitors this year (after having been closed in 2020 due to COVID). We also found the Santas that Chris Willis hid in town! It’s the small things. The kids are now looking forward to these events every year.

So how will we end 2021?

We ordered Lou Malnati’s Pizza (from Chicago) and had that as our last meal of the year. Ready or not, here comes 2022!

just Pray

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