2021 – November
There is a newly updated Oregon plate – the Cultural Trust plate. It used to be an orange/peach color with some art-type look. Now? I think it’s amazing as it has all of these hidden objects on the plate and the colors are vibrant. For me, it is one of the top plates that we have had.
Stinky Pete made another appearance. It doesn’t seem that we will be keeping him though – given that the kids don’t seem to want to play nice with him. I’m a little concerned for the cat and his well-being. He is pretty much too nice to be around them all the time. Also, take into account that we recently got new leather couches from Costco, and yeah like that one Relient K song “This has disaster written all over it.”
We were able to get into a rental car (as our car has damage from Dutch Brothers that is getting fixed). They set us up in a charger – nice but terrible on gas.
Took some photos of the kids including Arabella after she got her Covid shot. Elijah is bummed because he wants his COVID shot now and doesn’t want to have to wait until May. Luca has been coloring lately but doesn’t love to be contained to paper.

We took a trip to get some cotton candy and popcorn from Joe Browns. Fun fact: Micah (who was a friend I had while in college) let me know that her cousin owns this place. Super cool.
We took the family to go see the new “Ghostbusters: After Death” movie. It was wonderfully made and had a nice tribute to one of the main characters who had died before they filmed this movie. The next day we went to Outback for both my wife’s and my dad’s birthday dinner.
Thanksgiving came and passed without much more than a blip in the radar. Next thing you know we were putting up Christmas lights and getting a tree.

The weekend after Thanksgiving also afforded the wife and me some time to have a date night – so that night we also stopped by the tree that downtown Portland put up a few days earlier. I know, stop the madness, a date night?! It was our first date night in a couple of years (as crazy as that is to think about). We went to the cheesecake factory.
Finally, in other news, CNN suspended Chris Cuomo as he was helping his brother Andrew Cuomo.
December is on its way!
just Pray