2021 – October part 1


October means that it is time for the basketball season to start again. We went to a few games this month and the fan event too. While attending we were able to snag Blaze (the mascot) for a photo. Luca was in awe. We did the normal song and dance of getting the kids the tattoos – this time we even got Luca one too. At first, he wasn’t sure what to think.

Over the weekend we went to a pumpkin patch in Woodland, WA. It was pretty nice – and we will need to come back. I also like that it’s free to attend. See below for photos. Note: Do you see the Tigger outfit that Luca is wearing? Well… now that he has worn it, over the years at some point all 3 kids successfully did so when dressing up. Kinda cool to think of the history.

It was just in August that I was talking about how things were going well at BPA, they had given me my project that I was a PM on and I ran it so well they asked for me to run another project. My manager (Jack) didn’t think that it would be a good fit so instead of giving me the option to do it, he told them it could go to someone else instead. Due to that, I was now without a project. Kind of sitting around and not having a lot to do. I ended up going on the bench.

The bench? What am I some basketball player? Ha. Kind of, except for a bench warmer this time. At P3 I can’t be on the bench for an extended period (as it doesn’t bill against any client) and then I’d be laid off. In light of that, Jack has let the SF hub lead know the situation and they are looking for other opportunities. One is at Bio Marin Pharmacutiecales and a project manager role within their organization. Jack also has talked to Sean who let me know that there is a potential for some work with Microsoft, but he doesn’t see that happening/starting for a couple of months. That timeline doesn’t jive with keeping employment. I set up a meeting with someone from our hub and we had a prep session before my interview with Bio Marin (see below). It went well, so now it’s just a matter of if they want to hire me or someone else they have been considering.

As is typical for our October activities, we have hit up our local pumpkin patches and visited Halloween town. I really like the fall colors that are coming out. This year isn’t like last in that some places that have green leaves, also have half of the trees that lost their leaves or are very red. It’s interesting. We have been getting some cooler weather, but it hasn’t been as gradual as in previous years.

just Pray

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