2021 – September part 2
If you thought that we traveled enough for the month, you were wrong.
September is the month for the free museum day (see here). It is a great thing that the museums are free if you reserve a ticket via a participating museum on their website. This year we did the Musem of Flight (based in Seattle). Tickets normally cost $25 per adult, 17 for youth, with 4 and under getting in free. My parents also visited so they could see it too – so we had huge savings. We were able to visit all sorts of planes from WWI and WWII style planes, how planes started, to the Jet Age. We were able to visit the very first Boeing 747 (the Queen of the skies) plane and a Concorde supersonic jet. If that wasn’t enough they also had a whole wing of the area dedicated to space travel and exploration with real NASA artifacts. I was geeking out – and if you didn’t guess it, I would recommend a visit. Plan on spending the whole day (we did).

Since we were already up in Seattle, I wanted to get everyone to visit the Starbucks Reserve roastery. They only have a few locations worldwide (although they are planning on opening more of them). They serve expensive food and drinks. Things like whiskey-infused coffee or freshly made tiramisu. It was some of the best food and drink I’ve had. Good thing they aren’t a steakhouse too or I’d be in trouble.

When you are that far north you can’t help but plan a stop at the ever-gorgeous Mount Rainier.

This national park should be on everyone’s bucket list and thus far my top ones to see would be: Mt. Rainier, Grand Canyon, and Death Valley.
There were only a few other things we could fit in before the month’s end. We stopped at the Rip City sign for an updated photo and you are beginning to see some colors change on the trees!

I am so glad that we are in the final stretch before we get back into the cool rainy weather – plus FALL!
just Pray