2017 – December part 6
We had major plans for our last day.
We found that throughout the trip as we were so busy that we hardly had any time to get some souvenirs. I think we stopped at a Loch Ness store but other than that- nothing until we were at the airport shops.
Not only were we spent, but the tyre pressure light keep coming on in the car and we didn’t want to chance any issues with our return, so we got some air (thanks again to Londoners who gave us the correct change to get some air). Once we filled it up, the light went off so we filled up the gas tank and returned the car.
We had originally planned to go to Stone Henge on this day but decided against it. Instead, we checked into our hotel and spend most of the day trying not to cry as we had to leave the next day. A couple of times we thought “well, it wouldn’t be so bad if we missed our flight, right?!” but we ultimately decided against that action.

We again stayed at Premier Inn. This time we had dinner too and took advantage of it. I like that they normally add lime in the coke and had to grab a photo. Also had some delicious dessert.
Then we found a coffee shop called Costa! They gave the kids some gingerbread men (and the kids were not a fan as they were spicy to them) and we ordered some coffee. Then we made our way back to our room and enjoyed the view.

Unfortunately, as much as we wanted time to stop here it didn’t. We quickly found the day spent and got up the next day to return back stateside.
Our journey wasn’t quite over yet though.
We boarded our plane and looked ever so longingly outside. Below is a photo of Elijah peering outside, my view out the window (over Ara who had the coveted window seat), and some British food that we were served on our way back. Back to LAX?! No. We were going to Texas (image below)

Here is another photo of Mr. Blue eyes himself and a sleepy girl with her plane trip book.
We arrived in Dallas only to have a connecting flight to Phoenix (the photo below is our arrival in Texas). From Dallas Ft. Worth we flew to Phoenix, our previous home. We had to spend the night at the airport. As there was not really much in the way of beds we made due with what we had.
A crew of American Airlines flight attendants/pilots was leaving and they noticed us hunkering down for the night. They came over and offered us multiple blankets from the airplane. The kids didn’t seem to mind. Not pictured: Where we slept. Right in front of them – on the floor in the airport we laid down and got a few hours of rest.

Next morning we got up early (easier than normal to do, especially when you are sleeping at an airport). Side note: it would be really great if airports offered a place for people to rest and shower. Maybe a dark room that you can rent or something for a few hours?! Does anyone want to go on shark tank and pitch the idea?! Got up and got on our flight. Where next? Why not Hawaii?! It was offered on a layover on the way back. We wanted to take advantage of this as much as we could. Anyway – On to Maui!
just Pray
note: this post was published on 08/08/22 but moved the publish date back toward the end of December 2017 to keep chronological order.