A lot has happened since last time.  Starting with me not starting at the dollar tree at all.


Figured if I had that bad of a punch in the gut- that much of a bite.. it might not be what the good man upstairs has in-store for me.  I prayed on the subject, others did for me as well.  Nearly everyone was telling me that it wasn’t a job for me.
Coincidence?  I think not.

Then a prior co worker of mine asked if there was any way that they could help out.  I told them of my situation and they said that even if it was a part time job they would make it a priority to help me out.  Uh, what?  All glory be to God, but really..  I don’t deserve it.

Now nothing is set in stone… so I won’t speak of the opportunity but wow.  In all my time job searching this is the first person to show that they actually care.  Even if it doesn’t work out, it has really been refreshing.  They even spoke about how they prayed God could use them to help me.  Craziness.

Maybe it’s just what the dr ordered.  I’d say so.. but what do I know?

I’m meeting with them this week to talk over things some more.

Maryia (Sky) has also been having luck on the work front.  A photography studio was impressed with her talents and so she is checking them out to see if the job will be mutually beneficial.

I’ve had a little time to check out some new themes for the blog or maybe the poetry site.  Either way, one of them will be getting a refresh sometime soon.  I’d secretly like to update them both, but i’m very picky with the appearance of things.  I’ve also been working to update the photography site and should even be able to have a fully functional portfolio site up and running for 2Nine Studios sometime soon.  Fun times!  If the job doesn’t turn out the way I hoped those things will probably get done a lot sooner.  Here’s hoping they take a long time.

4th of July has come and passed with no fireworks this year as Sky doesn’t like the holiday or the events.  So we spent the night at home and watched a movie.

Last thing.  On the 5th there was a haboob (a big dust storm).  It was pretty intense.  Perhaps even epic.  It has even made the worldwide news outlets.  The airport had to even close for a little.  They’re calling it the worst one in state history.  Things were a mess.  People are still cleaning up from it all.  It rained for like 5 minutes afterwards… just long enough for it to muddy up all those cars in the valley. It was kinda fun going out the next day and noticing that all the highway and street signs were brown due to the dust mixed with a little rain. The sky didn’t actually start to lose it’s haze until nearly a day later.

Anywho, that’s all I’ve got for now.  Until next time

just Pray


  1. Hooray for an update and a new look! I decided to pop by and see if you had updated and you had! And I can now leave random comments. 🙂 Still praying for the job situiation for you and Sky!

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