Thanksgiving came early this year…

Hello November! As we anticipate our newest addition any day we decided to celebrate the holiday early. It wasn’t traditional by any means but we were together and that’s all that really mattered. We contacted the tree farm we go to every year and asked if there was any way we could come and get a tree early and they were gracious enough to let us. So on Saturday November 18th we had the whole tree lot to ourselves. We were greeted warmly It didn’t take us long… Arabella picked out our tree this year. At just over 9 feet tall it was wrapped up and placed on top of Grammy and Grampy’s prius and made it’s way into our home. It was then decked out in all of our ornaments. Much thanks to Harrison Farms!

This will be my last week of stress tests and IV’s before our little guy will be here!

Four should be here any day.

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