Wow. To think I pretty much blew off all my day for a 3 minute online conversation. Hah. I’ve been thinking about Sabrina for pretty much the whole day. Odd….

I uh, ok, I guess I did some stuff today. I woke up early (cuz of my dad at like 7:00) but I was like ahhhhh.. so I fell asleep and finally awoke at like 11:30. I was online for a litte bit this afternoon, mostly listening to music. OH!! I watched the Travel channels count down the 10 best beaches and the next show they had was the top 10 hotel bathrooms?? Some hotels cost like 26k a night. This one place in Cali – if you stay a night (700 bucks) they offer you a years membership (250k) and for two people you get the corp. rate. (400k) Should be the corp. Rape hah. So then I went out to eat with my family. Hmm.. we came home.. (and rented a movie). I waited for Emily to stop by, and we all watched the movie. Identity – I’ve seen it already, but I thought it would be a good movie for my mom. It was pretty funny, she was screaming in parts where people died. She’s crazy, but it was fun. Then we watched little Nicky – on TBS I uh, didn’t care for it *I’d say it was a stupid movie* but thats me.

Yeah, so I’ve been looking forward to talk to Sabrina the whole day, and whenever I think of her I tend to smile. *slaps face to wipe smile off* So I think I’m gunna go do that now. When I talk to her, I’m happy, and I haven’t been happy in a while. *crosses fingers* Lets hope she doesn’t get sick of me – and maybe, I’ll stay happy.

hey. I got home about 1/2 hour ago, and today I had a killer headache.. infact while at work I had to take off my headset various times, because it was hurting 🙁 I thought of someone today…. guess who? I was pretty tired today, and only had people repeat themselves maybe once or twice, ALL day. Cool huh? hah. So I took 4 asprin and now I’m sitting, doin a whole lot of nothin. Yeah, I should lay down or something, I have 4 more asprin waiting on my desk if it doesn’t get better. But hey- I made it through work, and now I have tomorrow off. Say La ve.

p.s. If you want to download the whole song you heard, click here.

I’m online. I’m not doin anything. Fun eh? Xanga. I’ve had it for a while now, the problem is – using it. Ah well. I suppose I will get around to using it someday. Maybe today is the day?