All day was good, I got to talk to Sabrina, and that always keeps me in a good mood.
I went out for dinner, my dad kinda ragged on Oregon a little.. but kept my cool. Then we got into a discussion about school and funding.
My point of view
Leap of faith – if God really wants to go and if I’ve tried really hard to get the money then everything should work out – reguardless of if I have the money when I go down to Texas.
My parents…
If I don’t get the money- they will pay for it. The conversation ended in me telling them that I don’t want them to pay for my school, and if it comes down to it – then i’d rather not go than have them pay for it.
So now I’m just thinking.
My dad had a point on the whole leap of faith thing, about if you have no other resources then go ahead and see what can happen…
I don’t want to put that on my parents. Rawr. Makes me really furious – the fact that I want to be in school so badly, but – I don’t want them paying for it.
Thinking of it from that stand point that my dad had.. – dare I say – makes sense.
So… I’m sittin, thinkin….
The good news : Tomorrow is Monday. The bad news : Tomorrow is Monday.
I just got the worst news of the night for an ugly guy like myself – Sabrina, is beautiful in every way possible. Oh so attractive in every aspect possible, wonderful personality, and everything about her is great. She is wonderful… a million times too good for me. Why is that bad? Because she deserves better, and what can I possibly offer her? That makes it bad. 🙁 guys want someone like her… how long can I keep her happy? 🙁 I can almost spell out the end right now because of how great she really is. Oh yeah, pretty good night huh? … I don’t think so *feels sad* Nothing any one is saying is helping. I should lay down….
I slept late, talked on the phone to Sabrina and her friends for five minutes, defragmented all 3 computers, and almost fell asleep doing it. (it was very boring) So I went and tried to take a nap, when I finally almost fall asleep my mom comes home from getting her nails done. I get online, and stay on til bout 6. My dad comes home, he shows my mom the car that he got for her (98 escort wagon) bettter than the 92 ford tempo than she had.. so then after looking it it, we ate. Fish, and uh… I watched a lil tv, then went with my parents to the store so I could get my drug pickup at walgreens. While waiting at Walgreens, my mom and I didn’t have anything to do – so we sat on the floor in the magazine lane, looking at magazines. Uh… then we picked it up, went to Frys Electronics and picked up a Microsoft Router. Then we came home and I installed the stuff on each computer. Then I got online, and went to talk to Sabrina, and now its 10:00pm. Yup. Fun eh? Talk to you later. I love you.