Work was slow, and I was falling asleep again at work, but every one has asked me how things have been so I’ve told them: Great.
I talked to my mom this afternoon, shes like “do you have feelings for her?” I’m all “uhhh” so after a while I’m like Duh… and she like.. “yeah I knew” So if you knew why did you ask me? “I knew you knew” rawr. So… then she asked.. “have you and her had serious conversations?” I’m all.. :”yeah” oh… have you told her you love her? “….. Yeah” then she just smiled.
Apparently she is happy that I’ve found someone. I’m all “yeah yeah.. woohoo Jasons got a girl! and I’m gunna get some action in the mall!” she laughed.
Great. Well she knows.. so just figure that my dad knows. 🙂 heh… Anyway…
I watched some tv… got online.. and just been kinda chillin lookin for stuff to do. I haven’t found a whole lot.. but sleep isn’t looking too bad right about now. One week from today I’ll be getting ready to leave.
One week! Add a day, and we meet. *excited*
Thats all – but I hope you have a FANTASTIC time at the cruise dance thing. Mkay… thats all.
Hey baby
Good news – the 25th is ours. Now I just need you to get it cleared and such and we are set.
I almost fell asleep at work today.
The dentist was poking me and making my gums bleed badly, and thats why I was so tired when I came home. My mouth has been hurting all night.
We are flying to SF on the 25th – then going to the redwoods the 26th. Then on the 27 and 28th we are going to drive the rental car back down, but take the coast line. More cost effective…
And uh.. thats what my day has surrounded around.
I haven’t told my parents that I’m ok with them paying for my school yet, that’ll come in time.
Poems from my baby
“I would live in your love”I would live in your love as the sea grasses live in the sea,borne up by each waves as it posses, drawn by each wave that recedesI would empty my soul of the dreams that have gathered in me,I would beat with your heart as it beats, I would follow your soul as it leads.
You bound strong sandals on my feet,you gave me bread and wine,A sent me under sun and stars,for all the world is mine.
Oh take the sandals off my feetyou know not what you do;for all my world is in your arms,My sun and stars are you.
By Sara Teasdale
After lots of thought, I came to the conclusion that I should probably accept the offer that my parents gave me. I am still going to check with an Honor Academy rep.
I had a good day at work – especially considering it was a Monday. I went in to work – went to training – first two hours. Went on the phone for a 1/2 hour – then went to break. After break, stayed on the phone for 45 minutes. At that time, we had a team meeting (11:30 lasted til 1:00), after the meeting I went on lunch (now its 1:30). Last hour – I was on the phones. Kinda nice. Laid back – easy – and slow. All things said – I didn’t even get a headache.
Excerpt from chat
Josiah Baldwin: you know what I want to do right now!
Josiah Baldwin: drop dead
DCxr7: Cool
DCxr7: You know… kill yourself or something.. you go through more misery than a dog that has been shot twice in the head, just staggering around
Josiah Baldwin: I’d rather you not mock me
Josiah Baldwin: but do w/e you want
DCxr7: I’m not mocking
DCxr7: I’m being serious.
So? Do it already – so anyway…
My baby is swimming – or learning how to heh. SHE is the only one (at this point in time) who can even view these posts – because my friends suck and will probably pry into my life. Screw that – If I wanted them to know – I’d tell them. Ive told them about you… thats not a secret. The thing is – I talk about my life. They don’t care enough to TALK to me.. why should they be able to read up on me? Screw it.. they shouldn’t.
So Hey baby. Whats cookin good lookin? I’ll be online waiting for you.
Last part of chat..
Josiah Baldwin: well, thanks for the advice
Josiah Baldwin: that’s what everyone is telling me tonight
DCxr7: Maybe you should
If he tries anything – I’ll letcha know. lol