I slept late, talked on the phone to Sabrina and her friends for five minutes, defragmented all 3 computers, and almost fell asleep doing it. (it was very boring) So I went and tried to take a nap, when I finally almost fall asleep my mom comes home from getting her nails done. I get online, and stay on til bout 6. My dad comes home, he shows my mom the car that he got for her (98 escort wagon) bettter than the 92 ford tempo than she had.. so then after looking it it, we ate. Fish, and uh… I watched a lil tv, then went with my parents to the store so I could get my drug pickup at walgreens. While waiting at Walgreens, my mom and I didn’t have anything to do – so we sat on the floor in the magazine lane, looking at magazines. Uh… then we picked it up, went to Frys Electronics and picked up a Microsoft Router. Then we came home and I installed the stuff on each computer. Then I got online, and went to talk to Sabrina, and now its 10:00pm. Yup. Fun eh? Talk to you later. I love you.

I woke up today, and went in the shower. Came back and called my baby before going getting ready to leave.

I was at work, and it was pretty slow – not bad. Nobody really stupid to talk about, people auctually commend me for doing a good job, and request me.

I got off work @ 2:30, ready for my day off – but first I had to go to the Dentist.
3:00 – Arrive at dentist

3:20 – Dentist sees me (was running late)

4:20 – After long ammounts of work, I look up at the time because he says he almost 1/2 way done

5:30 – I pay my whopping bill of $670, Add the $145 I had to pay last time, and some other costs and are lookin at the total to be close to 1k if not more. The good news, my parents are going to help – offered to pay 400, I dont think I need to say it – but I took them up on the offer. The bad news – my credit card is almost maxed out.

5:40 – I go back in to the dentist and have him perscribe me some meds because I dont like taking 7 asprin a day for everyday. After being very reluctant – he does.

My teeth sucked for the longest time, now I only have like 2 more things to get done.. and then they just need to get me braces, then do stuff to make them white. The good news – I’m 90% done. The bad news – I am past my 1k deductable on my insurance and I can’t afford to get any more work done until I get back from school. (could be up to a year)

I’ll take the good. My teeth don’t suck. Major factor in my teeth sucking so badly… my wisdom teeth came in on me sideways – and we couldn’t afford to have them taken out. So by the time I HAD to get them taken out, I had cavities in almost all my teeth (the pushing sideways was makin my teeth more crooked and creating lots of cavaties) also – a root canal in 2, and 2 teeth buildup (2 buildups? only two that sat next to my wisdom teeth were severly damaged, but not so bad that they needed to be removed) – so maybe in a year or so I will like my smile! But for tonight, I can taste blood.

5:50 – I came home and watched TV until we ate.

7:10 – I came online, and now I’ll be here for the rest of the night – sadly I feel drained from the stuff they did to me, and my mouth is very sore – I personally think I’m tired because of all the blood I lost. It was yuckie, they used the spit sucker to take it out, and blah. Not totally uncommon, but not a good thing either.

7:15 – I took two excedrin, and I’m waiting for them to kick in so I don’t feel pain.

Fun day eh? Now I heal.

I had things to talk about until I came home and talked to Sabrina. Then the world stopped spinning and the hands of time stopped and everything just seemed so less important compared to her.

Sabrina has made me one of the happiest guys around. Reguardless of what happens in my day, I come home – talk to her, and I know everything’s gunna be alright.

She brightens the bright spots, and makes my face seem to be endlessly lost in a smile. She is my Angel, and is everything I have been looking for and searching for. Talk about filling voids, or filling my heart with pure bliss.

Thank you God.