I’m having a hard time with accepting 8.75 an hour part time.
It feels like I am more than de-valued. Stuck.
Another post.
So fathers day just passed and it was pretty good. We took a trip to Prescott and then decided to go to Jerome as well. I enjoyed it, getting away from the city and even being able to enjoy some cooler air. It’s supposed to be like 112 this week. Yuck. Oh well. Least I was able to get away for a little.
The job search is still bleak at best. Cause I haven’t heard from Chase or US Air I don’t believe anything will come of them. I have been applying everywhere… including Dollar Tree and McDonalds. Oh yeah. Check me out. Hopefully i’ll hear something from someone someday.
What else… I’ve switched to T-mobile and am still getting use to having a phone that includes multimedia (like things that require data).
Hmm othet than that… thing have been alright.
Events: this week Tina is getting married. Congrats to her and to Jonathan.
I think that within the next week or so i’ll be redoing Sky’s website for her, implementing a few new things. Just will depend if I can sit at the lappy for a few hours without interruption.
Until next time
just Pray
Sleepless in Tempe.
In some ways I think I’ve gone totally nuts. Why? The path my life has taken me.
It’s enough to make me somehow lose my self-worth.
I cant stand going through time and feeling like I’m sliding backwards. I don’t even feel like I’m pushing forward at all. Just a constant backward pull. What can I do? I have begun to entertain the idea of going back to school and finishing up. Even if I just wind up with that stupid piece of paper that the world finds so much value in.. At least I’d feel like along this life of mine I was able to accomplish something.
I don’t have an answer. I wish I did but it’s simply not there.
I wish that failure wasn’t such a prevelant part of my life. I also wish that I could hear God speak. I’d like to be able to say that I’ve never wandered… But like that Chris Rice song… we are prone to wander.
Things otherwise have been pretty good. Haha, funny but true.
I got fed up with some issues I was having with the ipod touch. I returned it. It was freezing and they had tried resetting it in the store to no avail. I gave up. It simply cost too high a price to have various basic complaints.
So anyway on the sports front… the Mavs beat the Heat to win it all last night. Who would have thought? Glad it happened though.
It is now past 2:30 am & I am wide awake. Ugh. Yet it’s still like 80 or 90 some degrees outside. Bleh.
I haven’t heard back from either job yet. Chase and US Airways are M.I.A. so who knows what will happen. Here’s hoping for some good news because even if isn’t a job ill love working, something is better than nothing.
I doubt anyone still reads this blog but… Here is a question for you all. As a Christian.. during an interview should white lies (or any lie for that matter) be acceptable? Aka Id hate to work call center again + I can’t stand the rate of pay but during interviews I obviously say otherwise so I at least hold a chance on just having a job again. I know it’s not right.. but what are your thoughts on it?
Anyway.. that’s all I have for this episode.
I think I’ll go turn on some music.
just Pray