Roller Coaster

Where oh where has the time gone? This year is nearly spent, I can’t believe we are almost half way through October. In another couple of weeks we will finally be able to edge out of these hundred degree temperatures that we have been living in for the past 6 months. It will be nice.

20111012-122833.jpg See what I mean? Many things have the opportunity of changing in the next couple of months. I am not sure what will happen – it should be a fun roller coaster. I am sure there will be highs, lows and in between. Azusa hasn’t gotten back to me yet. I have sent them transcripts from both Cascade and MCC, now I am just waiting to hear back from them. I believe the deadline for this semester was on Monday. So now it looks like it I wouldn’t have the opportunity to start until the first of the year. On the job front there really isn’t any news. My applications are out there *looks* somewhere way out there in the deep abyss. Someday someone should get back to me, right? I hope. I wish I already had found a place. Everyone says things are improving but I see no such signs. I don’t think the stocks going up or down should be an indicator. They are so finicky that they go up on “hopes” and not actual data. Oi vey… Let’s see.. in sports news the Yankees lost and are out of the playoffs. It sucks. We had a lot of chances, but in the end we couldn’t close Detroit out. On the NBA side they are still in a lock out and have recently officially canceled the first two weeks of the season. They’ll probably cancel the whole thing before this masquerade ends. Finally the big tech news is that 7 days ago Steve Jobs died from complications with his cancer. I suppose that is all of the update I have for now. More later as additional news rolls in. just Pray

It’s official

This blog has officially been ported.
Moved from to the main website at

After much debate, I have decided this is the best option for the website and this blog at this time.



So as you may have noticed, I have updated my site with a new layout – at least for the blog. I also made some tweaks to the poetry site, but I don’t think I will touch that site much more unless I add a new poem or something along those lines.

School is the title. How crazy is that? I am out of work – with nothing coming in. There are talks of my dad getting a job. He has been applying in multiple places not excluding places that are out of state. Just throwing that little bone out there. The big elephant in the room would beg the question: Oregon or Washington? The answer: no. Not either of those places.

What else…..? oh yes the school thing. I am in the process of applying and getting things ready for classes (a big part will be to see how much help I qualify for with the government).

That’s right. Azusa Pacific University. I looked into them a little when Jars of Clay had a contest for free tuition. I won’t find out if I lost that contest until December. In the meantime I have been thinking that I need to do something with my life. I can’t find a job and don’t want to take anything to get by – so why not see about returning to school? Time is ticking either way – and if I am going to have to be out of work I might as well do something with that time. I think that it is something worth looking into…

So I wouldn’t be going to the campus for classes, rather I would be attending online. The choice for me to take classes at the campus would remain open if that opportunity ever became something that I could feasibly do. So that’s my news. Right now I am waiting to hear if I was accepted or not. I guess the whole thing could end quickly if they tell me that I am not accepted in. We shall see. I checked to see if they were like Cascade with a 100% acceptance and they aren’t. They actually pick about 80% of people who apply.

I met up with Ben and JJ and Krystal this week. It was nice to feel like there are people out there who still like me and want something to do with me. A lot of catching up was done. Caught up with Ben over water and coffee at a local Starbucks, and with JJ and Krystal we played a bit of basketball while talking throughout the night.

We have now watched Seasons 1 thru 3 of Greys Anatomy. Currently on season 4. So far my fav. have been the first three seasons. We are going to watch all 7 seasons (to the current 8th). Fun times.

That’s all I have for now. I will leave you with a picture I took recently while Jake was sleeping. It’s pretty cute.


Until next time,

just Pray.