
Hey Leah posted something the other day on her blog about how things use to be back when she was on Xanga.

20111017-231659.jpg It was a while ago. When we were new to the blog-o-sphere. Back when people use to blog to speak to complete strangers across the internet. It was when people invited you to learn more about them, albeit in their own private manner. And to be honest- I’m not so sure the blogging thing seems nearly as cool to anyone now as it was then. Plus now on many levels there is censorship. Corporate or individual. Teacher or Child. Employer or employee. The internet is no longer a blogging safe haven or something you can turn to for complete anonymity. It’s just a sign of the times. Facebook posts and tweets can hold up in the court of law as much as a blog. It makes me – even if only a little – miss the days of what seems so long ago but is actually just a few years at most. I admit it, from time to time I’ve checked up on blogs from my subscriptions on Xanga, but hardly anybody posts anything anymore. I can’t really blame them. When they do it doesn’t always feel the same… Even I went underground for a while, but hey at least I’ve surfaced. No longer attached to Xanga or worried if anyone reads my words as they type out- just back to the basics. Until next time just Pray

New Layout

Yes, again.

I couldn’t sleep last night/tonight so right now it is something like 4 am & I’m still tweaking the final bits of this layout.  I like it- plus it is giving me something to do and focus my mind and energy on.  I’ll take it!

It should make it easier for navigation and everything really, if you need help with the navigation – just mouse over the arrow to the left – you should get the rest.


just Pray

An Afterthought


So how is everyone? It’s still warm outside but other than the temps things seem to be fine.

I had an annoyance today. Maryia was on the phone with her friend and comes out with a calendar in her hand. She asks if we are busy at the end of the month. Upon further explanation she says that she was planning on visiting her friend in NY state during those days. After checking we confirm that there is a dinner we are going to otherwise that time was free. She replies that she will text her friend and ask her if other dates will work.

And it begins. So with what I’ve said you can see a plan had already been made for those dates without asking myself any thoughts on it. Tentative or not. That’s fine and dandy. I wouldn’t have been annoyed if say this were brought up differently and if her friend didn’t already make plans for those dates.

Anyway. It winded up being a semi-small event and I told her any time she picked was fine with me. I just wish she would have talked about it with me first. Sometimes I guess it just seems like she makes plans and checks later if they’re alright. Not sure how to explain it. It doesn’t happen all of the time, but when it does it bugs me.

Alas, at the end of the month she will be off to NY state.


Other than that.. there hasn’t been a whole lot going on. I’ve stopped job searching as I am semi in limbo for places to look… and I don’t have the skill set to demand places to hold a job for me… even if I may have once been able to do as much, I lost all of that with the fall of the economy.

I have had time to revamp: [{ SkySail Photography }]  so you should check it out. I think it turned out nicely.

That’s all I have for this time.

just Pray