I think I am going to make an appointment to see the doctor. Lately the pain has been a little in my mouth – but more than anything.. in my upper left temple. Weird. And buggish.. like if I press on my left side, I can feel stuff. Woop woop – and it hurts too. […]

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hey… thank you everyone for asking. the dentist appointment went fine. my mouth hurts badly. now I only need one or two more things done – then braces, or invisilign and then im done. woop woop I got to work and clocked in a few minutes early. Go me. I want a Mustang GT. 94ish

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Go Red Sox. Now I don’t have to hear about Sabrinas friend going to the games – because she has no games to go to! My 2nd team (after Seattle) Yankees. Woop woop. Go Yankees. I had a good day. Infact.. I was 15 minutes late for work today. Uhm. I had a supervisor call

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Good songs : Pretty much alll of Hillary Duffs new CD. *listens to it as he is typing this* So.. I went to work today.. almost got sent home early. I got to work kinda late.. (10minutes) because of detours. Rawwr. BUT.. I made it up by takin a 5 minute break. Almost was sent

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Hello, I’m Dreaming. I suppose I’ll stay in this dream forever. I was woken up by beauty. Sabrina Called me to wake me up!! Ahh … I got up good and had a preeeetyyy good day. I sat around, didn’t do much – but it was my day off.. what do you expect?Then all night

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hey – my baby wrote me a poem. Cobra His eyes describe a lake in the center of an islandWhen I stare into the eyes,The feeling sweeps over my heart like a sheer lace of joyHis lips are as soft as a baby’s skinHis smile melts my heart into a puddleContaining first tears drops from

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So whatsup with today? I went to work – got an hour of citibank training.. that was cool because it got me off the phones for an hour. Then I came home… got online…. and talked to my baby. Yeah – I’d say it was a pretty non-productive day.

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And whats her view on religon? I had an okay day. I called HA today to let them know. They didn’t want to let me go… its not because they woulda missed me.. its more like.. they wanted to stop me from making like the biggest decision in my life – the whole while telling

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I have deicided I am not going to go to the Honor Academy… becuase if I did.. I would have to break it off with Sabrina. I love her too much to let her go. College? Coummunity college is what I’m going to do. I’m going to buy a car,.. keep my job at Sears

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Sunday – September 28th 2003 *today current* We woke up and checked out of the hotel by 10am, then we just went and drove the whole day. My mom wanted to stop by a beach but my dad said no. We got back in Phoenix around 6pm… and yeah. I’ve kinda had a knot in

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