My x-rays came back and I don’t have any broken bones or any bone damage. It came as such a friggin big suprise to me. I went back to the doctor, and he gave me some other meds I should take for the next 6 days, if they don’t work.. I’m supposed to call him […]

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NBA Season starts NOW! Yay! I went to the x-ray people today.. to find out they just wanted to find out if my jaw was broken. So they took x-rays of my jaw. What Idiots! And the woman gave me attitude when asking me if I got in a fight or somethin. I’m all.. “No..

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I hope you all like my spiffy new picture. Woop woop Anyway.. on with the show.. and my productive… day…. I called up Sprint and complained about a mister Damon Rucker from TN. They told me his supervisior would be getting back to me in 48 hours or less. *sets watch to see if it

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Yankees Lost. Blazers Won. I had a good time with Emily when we went to the Suns game… My mouth has been hurting a little bit more.. due to the fact that since the game (friday) I’ve taken two pills. I’m trying to not take them anymore, so.. I hope it doesn’t hurt… so I

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Yankees have to win the next two game or they will not win the World Series. Flordia needs to in one more game. The rain delayed game, was won by the Marlins. FYI – I love Basketball. Baseball is a second.. and I really only follow my teams in the playoffs. Its too boring… Yanno?

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New Layout – Fresh. Finally… And yesterday I let out a new page for I still haven’t finished the Blazers site, . . . last I heard the Yankees and them were on a delay because of the rain. Fun stuff

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Sorry for the lack of posts. *takes a deep breath and tells you all* Thursday night I talked to Sabrina way past when I should have – I kept her up until like 1am. 🙁 Afterwards.. I talked to Emily from like 1 to 3 and we made up. Awww how sweet eh? *cough* Friday

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Today I went into work, and about at 11 am I got the worst pain in my mouth I’ve had. Ever. And yeah – it didn’t let up. So I signed up to go home early – and don’t you know that everyday they let people go home eary.. but today they didn’t offer to..

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