The weirdest thing happened today It was odd. REALLY Weird. I mean.. you ever seen a two headed cat when you are drugged up? Its SO much further out than that. Want to know? Do you really? I looked up today, and I saw clouds! AH! What?! Yeah. Pretty freaky right? Well here’s where it

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Yo! The good news of the night… Lakers were Blown away by the Grizzlies. Anything else? I posted on some Lakers fan xanga site.. so I hope she doesn’t get mad lol I got it off Emily’s site… so.. its ALL her fault. Work was… just that. Work! I got to talk to my baby

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Hey What’s up people? It turns out those really strong and addicting drugs they gave me was a mistake. Yeah – Now I’m hooked I have to have like 3 of them a day or else I’m in total pain all the time. Fun stuff right? The doctor is really worred because whenever I go

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hey they now have me on some really addictive drugs that I have to be careful with. I am going to get an MRI done on me. I also am going to be going back to the dentist.. because along with all of the other crap.. one of the crowns is acting up and now

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Woo My mouth has been hurting a lot this past weekend Today I got off work early so I could go see the Doctor, he looked at me again, and eventually refered me to a specialist. Thats good news – I have an appointment with him tomorrow at 4. I also got organized in my

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I added a new image for the front of – fresh.. and with color! I got a chance to kick back today the bad news is tomorrow I have to go work. Hmmm – yeah.. thats it Ciao

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I worked. My computer went bust on me again…. Too many callers today.. I dropped one guy off at a totally wrong place because he made me mad. Yeah. I came home. Ate, watched the Blazers game.. they won by 19. (1-1) Ciao

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I worked? I told Sabrina that.. I think I said it out of habbit…. ? *confused* I slept in. Felt like crap when I auctually got out of bed at noon time. Why? I hate feeling like I’ve wasted any time of my life anymore. Sleeping in is included. Yes.. even simple joys of sleeping

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Poem Title : Passing Rain Passing RainPromises built on a foundation of mud..And, yes…It is too late to keep these promisesGhosts of what a friend use to mean.I feel as though I am struggling to find myself,Needing to make up all of the time I have wasted, – to find myself?Finally catching up I rest

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