500 Furnished

Hey So here is my update. Hopefully it will shed some light on recent things that have been going on. First of all: I hate moving. I will be moving again.. and maybe more than twice in the next 3 months.. maybe more than that beyond that time frame. Who knows. So here is the thing. California hasn’t quite worked out the way we wished. Prices just are too steep to have a good quality of life. If you want to survive check to check you can probably do so if you live with family for the rest of your life. But if you don’t want to do that? Well.. there aren’t many options. I suppose if the job market were better things would be better. That’s a whole lot of “ifs” My dads work has been a lot slower than they originally told him… and he has accepted a job in AZ. The lease on our current house was only for 3 months. That means at the end of this month I will be moving again. Where will I go? PNW. Yeah, the Pacific Northwest. My old cascade buddy (Jay).. well his mom has a place that she is going to rent to Sky and myself for 500 bucks and it will be a furnished apartment. We are going to try to find jobs within that timeframe. If all else fails – well.. if we are both unable to find work after those two months we will move in with my parents. Fun times. I figure it is a good opportunity to make a go for it. I hope it works out. I am applying at all sorts of call center / sales / other jobs that I would not prefer and I have been either hearing the “thanks for applying but..” or nothing at all. Hopefully once I am in the area things will change?? I don’t know. So the apartment is further south and east than I want to be.. but Jay’s mom is letting us rent the place (for 2 months) while we look for work. After that if we will want to rent the place we can. Basically, we were worried about telling her we would be there any longer without having an actual job to back up that cost. During those two months things are going to be very tight. We are going to be using our money from our tax returns and making a go of it. It should be exciting.. I know. I am trying to be excited about it. I am trying. It’s like the train. I think I can, I think I can… I think I can. Time will tell. Anyway. That’s a big deal in my life right now. I am planning everything around it (as you can imagine). So I suppose if anything changes I will probably keep you all updated! P.S. If anyone is reading this and wants to offer me a job… I am willing to relocate to any part of the country as long as I can make enough to survive. Survive for me = pay bills and save a small portion. That’s all I have for now. until next time just Pray

That time is nearing…

You would think that all the years I have been blogging I would have mentioned a birthday here or there more than just a few times. Well the other day I was looking through my blog & realized that wasn’t the case at all. I’m not sure why. I suppose I just get caught up in other things and sometimes it just slips away like a lost thought.

So I have one, two or perhaps a few for you. As of the 11th: Happy Birthday to B Squared. Love you!

I also want to wish my brother Michael a happy birthday as his will be here on the 14th.

And finally here is a belated birthday wish to my brother (31st of last month) and to my mom (was on the 5th).

I think I’m all caught up. I should be caught up for quite a while. All of the birthdays seem to happen in clusters.

So first and foremost please keep my friend Ben in your prayers. He is dealing with some serious family events that are very recent and very raw.

I have some other things I will blog about soon, but I’m going to keep this post generally upbeat.

“Beautiful day today, but rain is on the way” – local weatherman
I kinda liked the way it sounded but rain can be and is very beautiful as well. 🙂

The other day I tried to prescreen The Vow. Yeah I’m a sucker for some of those good sappy flicks, but it has to be good. I liked the notebook but didn’t like dear John, or ps I love you. So it just depends. Anyway… Here was here scene when we arrived:


It looks like, oh dear.. Yes it is.


Another world premier. Except this time we weren’t prepared for it. I don’t think the studio was prepared for the fanfare we experienced. There were probably about 500+ in line for the show. I’ve never seen so many in all my pre-screening experiences. Needless to say that we and like 450 other people didn’t get in to see it. They overbooked the place like nobody’s business.

There were so many people who when everyone left and walked down Hollywood Blvd it seemed like you were a sardine jam-packed in a can. Fun times.

Anyway. That’s all I have for now. I’ll try to update soon with some other stuff that has been going on, but until then…

just Pray

I Wish

I wish that I could remember those times. The times when feeling pressure on my heart & chest, nauseousness in my stomach meant that I was in a time of stress. It was brief. A moment, a week… a day or maybe even a few hours.

You know what I mean, right? A work deadline, a family event.. or something of the sort. But… for me? No, that is not the case. At least not anymore. Now it’s an everyday nonstop feeling.

Ho hum. It is kind of just the norm nowadays.

What can you do?

Push forward – despite everything – just stay pushing and keep praying…

“You might think I’m losing my mind, but I will shy away from the specifics

Cause I don’t want you to know where I am…
Cause then you’ll see my heart
In the saddest state it’s ever been

This is no place to try and live my life.” – relient K

just Pray.