California Dreamin’
I feel like…
I feel like I don’t have anything to blog about.
I feel a little like I have been a drone going through the motions day to day.
I don’t like it.
Tonight I am going to go the event called “Reflect”. It doesn’t seem too bad, a night of worship and prayer…plus it fits my budget.
Speaking of things coming up, it is going to be 110 this week. I don’t think it’s anything out of the ordinary, I just don’t particularly look forward to it either.
In sports news the Coyotes finally won a game vs the LA Kings. The series is now 3 – 1.
Hmm.. I’ve been reading a lot more lately. Strike that. I have been reading a lot more consistently as of late. I like that in this one passage I was reading how God kept telling Jerusalem that if they would only return to him… he would not punish them. (they didn’t, go figure.) So he took away their water and their food, livestock – heck you name it and it was gone or ruined. After all this you can sense that God was getting a little fustrated because he said they will meet their maker. In the book of Amos, chapter 4 verse 12. “Therefore this is what I will do to you, Israel, and because I will do this to you, Israel, prepare to meet your God.” Can’t you image this being said with passion? Like people say now “prepare to meet your maker!” this is pretty much what God was saying. How awesome is that? For one thing alone, God coined that phrase. Kinda cool right?
Anyway, that’s all I have.
Work is.. work.. kinda makes me feel like a drone. Like I said earlier. What can you do? I try and try.
This past Thursday and Friday were tough. I don’t know why – but my production has dropped quite a bit. It has been a big struggle as of late. Not the work, just pushing those numbers with the type of work I continue to get. My accounts have been filled with anything from repo’s to refinances to bankruptcies. Yuck. Not quick stuff to breeze through.
It is frustrating to say the least.
just Pray.
Love & Death
Love & Death.
This is the name of the concert I had recently attended. One week ago yesterday… (on Saturday). Well, I wasn’t sure what to expect- but I went knowing that I would hear Brian ‘Head’ Welch formerly of KoRn perform.
I had invited my brother to go with me (as he is a big fan of KoRn) and after initially telling me that he would LOVE to go – the day of he flaked out and ended up not going at all.
That was disappointing. But now I had these plans to go & well even if he wasn’t going to go…. heck when is the last time I went to a concert? I can’t remember – so I’m not so sure you will either.
The first group that opened for the main act was.. Scream-o. Totally made me feel out of place. Then the fact that these kids were wearing skinny jeans and looked like they were 12 didn’t help the matter much either.
The second group was a lot better. They were very personal and had someone in the group that had the likeness of Kevin Max mixed with Owen Wilson. Weird, but its what I thought about when I saw the guy. Everyone in this group at least looked my age – or older. Not that it was a big deal, but I did enjoy them a lot more.
Finally the third group wasn’t bad. If for any reason I disliked them it would have been for 1 of 2 reasons. One – they kind of sounded the same throughout each song they performed. Two – they had a lead singer who had the likeness of this guy at Cascade who I went to school with. He was pretty much a jerk to me. Due to this unfortunate event….. my vote for best opening act went to group number two.
Then finally they brought him out. The place was packed with people- a big variety of people. I mean you had fans from KoRn to families of the hosting church checking them out to other random people who were at the show to see the other opening three bands. All in all, it was fun – and I enjoyed it. I would have done it over if I had to. I knew (and know) some of Brian’s songs since he has become a Christian. It was cool to see him perform. The whole time I was watching him I just kept thinking about the skin he was in. All the things he has been through, seen and came out the other side. He stopped near the end of the show and gave his story… the part I liked was when he talked about how some people in Churches don’t like this crowd that he is in. Or the way he looks or maybe even the type of music that he plays- they just can’t handle the “Jesus Freaks” as he put it.
That was totally a flashback to my concert back in 95 or 96 when I was at the America West Arena (currently US Airways Centere) and saw dc Talk perform their Jesus Freak CD live.
I took video of songs throughout the concert to give you an idea of both the music and the atmosphere. I’ll post one on here, the rest will be on my youtube page.
The link to my YouTube page as always can be found in the sidebar navigation to your left. ←
Or you can click here.
Moving on..
Things at work have not gotten any better.
I don’t want to sit here and complain and say ‘Woe to me, my life sucks’ blah blah blah.
It’s fine. I know things aren’t the way I want them and I am looking to change them – even a change in jobs.
Since my last post the Blazers have continued to lose – and they missed the playoffs. No surprise. I suppose the biggest surprise was the Dallas Mavericks (former champs) getting swept by the OKC Thunder. I knew they were good, but man.
In somewhat exciting sports news, the Phoenix Coyotes are doing superb. They are one win away from getting into the Stanley Cup finals (hey that is pretty cool).
Other than that.. in Church news Maryia and myself have still been looking for a church to call home. Last week we went to Scottsdale Bible church (we really liked the pastor) but honestly the worship was …. well… kinda saddening. This week we went to Cornerstone Church and it felt really good. The service was kind of a downer for me.
They were talking about how you are either a guy or a man. They had a checklist of some sort and I kept thinking to myself – – man I am really failing this list! 🙁
I was sad.
I am still a little sad. I don’t like not liking the way things are. I don’t think anyone does.
Things will change, and to be honest things have been in the works to change now for a few months. So despite this, I was and am looking for things to not stay the same as they are.
I wasn’t sure what to think based off of first impressions, but after the service ended I have to admit that I was kinda impressed. We’ll see. It is good that we are getting out to different churches and finding things that will work for both of us before we really start committing to a church long term.
The service kinda made me feel… blah? It was a total downer for me. I already am at the point in my life where if I see someone in the store I’ll walk the other way and not make eye contact so they won’t know its me or so they won’t recognize me. After this service today I went to Target and ran into one of my high school friends (Meghan). Geeze, I just darted into another isle and hoped that she didn’t see me. At this point in my life, if I meet up with her – or someone else I will kind of have to give a run down of how things are. I really don’t want to get into all of that. It’s not fun & I don’t like knowing or at least having a good idea of how other people will feel about what I tell them. You know?
Maybe not, but I sure do. & yes, for the record- I’m tired of it.
Last thing that I want to say before I go, is God – I LOVE you. Man, I really couldn’t make it though one day without you. Every day at work, every hour – I just hang on to you.
I’ll end with the Love & Death title again…. because as I was thinking about it I really see that defined as: The Love of God and the death (or denial) of yourself for Him.
Only God can make it happen.
just Pray