An Answer

Let me start this off by saying, we don’t always get the answer we want. With that – you can probably already guessed the answer that I am talking about. I am talking about a job that I have been waiting to hear about. A little over a week ago I contacted the company and asked them the status. They let me know they made an offer to another person. However they also let me know if that person did not accept the job, they wanted to give me the opportunity & offer me the job. That is a nice way to slap someone in the face – yet tell them you love them. I asked this company exactly what I could have done better. The response I received was this: nothing. The HR representative let me know that I was very well liked. The CEO said that I was very well spoken, knowledgeable and likely to get along with anyone I would work with. They also felt that I had a great understanding of the job, the duties and overall a very strong interview. I tried to get down to the nitty-gritty. I asked her what I could have done better. She let me know that my interview was so good they nearly offered the job to me… But given the fact that they couldn’t hire two people it was more of a coin toss than anything. It ended up coming down to this: I came across in my first few seconds during the panel interview as soft spoken. I thanked her for her feedback. I went over every topic, every scoring that I received. She read me comments and feedback from everyone. They like me. Just not enough to hire me. I know that God must have something better in store for me. Even if it’s just flipping burgers, I am sure that the larger plan/wider view in life is more important & has more meaning. It’s just not always easy to keep that perspective. I’m not saying that I think I will be flipping burgers, I’m just saying that I tend to feel a little more downtrodden after another successful, yet failed interview. What can you do? In other news… It is less than a month until the wedding. Keep in your prayers: Joey, JJ, Orien, Ralph, Jackie, Roy & Ben. Also feel free to keep my brother and Kris, as well as my parents and Maryia’s family in your prayers too. Nearly everyone I can think of is going through something now that isn’t so pleasant. What really is left to say except… just Pray

Where has the time gone?

Where is the time gone?

Things have been fairly busy as of late. Last week I applied at a engineering firm for a administrative assistant position. I’m not sure how it went. The people seem nice, but I can never really tell how interviews have went. There have been times in my past where I have thought that I would receive a job offer – and didn’t. Yet, there are other times when I thought that I would not be a candidate – but was offered the job. I have learned that you shouldn’t expect to land a job, but also don’t expect that you crashed and burned either. You just never know. So yes, I am serious when I say that I have no clue.

I asked them when I should know and they told me that I should know this week. They even told me that they should know by Friday of this past week. If I don’t hear anything from them by tomorrow, I am going to call them. I would hope anyway that they will give me the courtesy to let me know either way. This job interview wasn’t around the corner. I drove some 75+ miles each way… it was a haul.

If you are wondering where the job interview was, it was located in Santa Barbra. Beautiful country I must admit. I have been trying to pray and know that I have landed the job – but that is something that I struggle with. If I only had the faith of a mustard seed.

In other news, we took a stroll along the coast last weekend. We randomly stopped in for an open house while in Malibu. This house had amazing views. This house felt like it was worth a lot. It was the $9 million house, yes you read that correctly. 9 million. I can safely say that I’ve never been in a house worth quite as much as that one. Below you will see a picture of the view from their deck.


Nice right? That is a view that I could wake up to every day and not get tired of seeing.

Anyway, when we were done dreaming… We went to look around the Hollywood area. Ha ha… We ended up going to Griffith Park. It was just as nice and with just as amazing views as I remember it. Here is a picture:


That picture is from the Griffith Observatory tower overlooking part of the city at sunset. If you don’t like that picture I have one more to share with you which might do the trick. We stayed in the area until after dark. Then the views of the city at night – were nothing short of amazing.


The City of Angels… & yes, that is the moon. It was big, bright and beautiful.

Anyway there are other photos that I would like to share with you on this post but, I won’t. Instead feel free to click through the photos on the right side of the blog. These are pictures uploaded from my phone to my Flickr account. At times you will find that I take some… Random pictures. But, that’s just who I am.

This is all of the update I have for today.

Until next time

just Pray.

They’re fine

Hey everyone,

I wanted to take a moment and write a blog updating the status of my missing brother and Kris. You can breathe a sigh of relief, they were fine. They didn’t want anybody knowing where they were (not anyone in my family at least).

Rude. Inconsiderate. Yes, all of these things and more. Kris and my brother have moved back to Washington state. They are living in Yakima once again. We found all of this information out by contacting her (Kris) mother on Facebook, she was more than happy to let us know how they have been and that they were alright. She also let us know that if anything were to happen to them she would let us know immediately. As far as things between the both of them, we have collectively decided the best course of action is to let them be adults and deal with it on their own. Enough said.

They have made it known that they do not want anything to do with us, or have any sort of contact with us at this time. We will leave it at that. We have reached out to them but they are unwilling to reciprocate anything.

That was pretty much all I wanted to talk about. I wanted to have a separate blog just for this topic and considering I had made such a big deal about it previously, I felt it was appropriate.

Until next time,

just Pray.