
It is only a few days away and I will be a married man. It is kind of a crazy thought. I never really thought that it would be that much of a big deal for me. I suppose in some ways it isn’t, yet in other daunting ways it is bigger than I had previously thought. Our wedding. Some joke and ask if you can really even call it a wedding with only about 20 people going. We had invited about 50 people. All of my people dropped our except for Jeff (a groomsman) and Emily (a guest). Now if you were to ask me at any point in my plannings if I thought that those two would be the ones remaining after everything… I’d probably have guessed Emily. Perhaps even Jeff, he has been pretty good in the whole thing. I think I’d be more surprised that if you look at everyone I call a friend… (and even that.. go to the inner circles) 2 would remain. Notably though.. Emily was my bestest friend for years and years until it blew up. Then we have had a patched.. repaired friendship. Unfortunately never the same. Jeff on the other hand I’ve only known for about 5 years and met through work. Now, granted – if I had a best friend at work… it was him without a doubt. I guess if I am trying to not be bitter about friends or family who aren’t showing up… if I focus on the mere fact that I have 2 people close to me going… well.. truth be told it still makes me a little sad. It’s my big day embarking on a new life. As much as the event is going to be small and low budget… I just… I don’t know. Of everyone in LifeLock who I thought would go.. and still be close friends with me? I thought Jeff would be around, but I was pretty hurt when Amanda and others just seemingly disappeared without a trace. Ugh, STAY ON TOPIC JASON. Anyway. I’ve had some really bad luck, but this goes further than I can express for those who are showing up. Despite all the circumstances surrounding everyone. (Maryia and myself are both unemployed and hosting the wedding 100% out of pocket) Yes. fun times. I guess I don’t have much else to say for now. Tomorrow is the big day.


We swam in the ocean the other day.  Sunday the 12th.

It was a lot of fun.  It was nice to get away from the heat that we have been feeling the past few weeks.  (temperatures have been in the 90s and 100s)

It was the first time I’ve swam in the ocean in probably well over 10 years.  I’ve walked the shores a lot of times.. with many different people but this time I was determined.  We finally went all in and swam around for hours until our hands were thoroughly wrinkled.

Everyone got in on the action, from my parents to Willie.  The shallow end is always a bit harsher and it was just as true this time as it was every other time.  Willie, my mom and Maryia would keep back in the shallow and many times were knocked over as if they were bowling pins and the ocean was yelling “strike” each time.  I eventually convinced everyone to come to the deep end.  We were once told by a lifeguard to keep close to the beach (even though we were still able to stand in the water).  I assume this is because of weaker swimmers that are thrill seekers and push the limits.

After we walked back to the car, we went to grab a bite to eat.  Willie was acting weird, and I don’t think he was feeling too well.  Without getting into much detail.. it kind of spoiled the evening as we kept making bathroom stops and I even ended up giving him my jeans to wear (I just wore my swimming trunks).  He is all better now.. I suppose he just ate something that did it to him.

I don’t like the term “swimming trunks” it sounds weird.  Board shorts sound better and truth be told I like them better because they are much longer (and I don’t like when shorts are above my knee).

In other news: we are both still job hunting.  If anyone would like to land us jobs (in our out of state) as wedding gifts, we would take it (and move to where the jobs are).  The funny thing?  You probably think I’m joking when I say that…

I’m not- I only wish I were.

The wedding is coming closer and closer.. each day brings new stresses that were previously unknown.


I’ve been burning all of Maryia’s CDs and I think I just misplaced one because I’m blogging.  I should go find out where it disappeared to..

Until next time

just Pray


It is finished.

It has officially been done for a few days now. I like the way it looks, it is simple yet elegant.

I hope you enjoy the new website. It is a collaboration of ideas, websites and blogs from Sky and myself.

On a side note, isn’t it crazy that the 2012 Summer Olympics are now officially over? I thought so.

I have a real update (more personal at least) coming soon.

just Pray.