
Ara’s 11th

Can you guess what time it is? It’s time for the birthday girl! Arabella turned eleven this year. In a short while she will be a teenager, any beyond. It has been quite a year. This year she wanted to have a Harry Potter Themed birthday. This may have been slightly attributed to visiting Universal…

PDXWLF and Snow.

The Winter Light festival! We were back at it again for part 2. This night we didn’t go quite a long, because we were having some listening problems with the kids. Arguing was ensuing and so we ended up going with only about 90 min left in the night before things started shutting down. Pictured…

Snow? and PDXWLF

hey again! Spent the first weekend of the month visiting with people. First, went to Applebee’s with Louis. He wanted to sit and talk and hash everything out, so I let him know where I stand with everything that has gone on between our families and where things stand now. He let me know of…