
2020 – September

Hey, We got the estimate to get the car repaired, it will cost around $1,200 for those scratches they caused. Insane amount if you ask me – so I’m glad we don’t have to pay for it. We had a team event at work where we got together to play some games (because COVID restricts…

2020 – August

Our grass is coming in nicely. I really like the way it looks and I think we should for how much it set us back. They had a statue up for Trump in downtown Portland and called it “Ode to Putin” photos below. Pretty spot on if you ask me. Speaking of Presidents, one night…

2020 – July

Exciting times! At least if you want to talk about yardwork. We had our front area revamped. We added grass to the front instead of all of the overgrown trees, bushes and weeds that took over the front. It looks SO MUCH BETTER. The Fourth of July is next! We went to the Dalles to…

2020 – June part 3

We took a trip downtown. It was after one of the days they had a march through downtown Portland. We wanted to see the murals that all of this heartbreak had been causing. This is raw emotion. Here is a list of some people: Tamir Rice, Shantel Davis, Emmett Till, Sandra Bland, Ahmaud Arbery, Korryn…