2023 – September part III
Part III, the conclusion of September (notice how I changed the parts for this month from 1, 2, etc. to I, II, III) in the same way Back to the Future did?
We found that being so active had made us want to stay active. The kids had gotten a free membership to the Zoo via their school, so we took a trip to visit on the weekend. Even splurged and went on the Zoo Train (because Luca said it was the Back in Time train).

The kids are funny. They enjoyed going to the zoo. I wish though that the temps would be a tad cooler. It’s been in the mid to high 80s and at this point, I’d like to be sitting in the low 70s.

We have done a few cookouts as of late. Made some steak on the barbie and even threw some wood on the fire to cook some smores. The weather pattern shows that in the next week or so we will start getting some cooler temps and rain (something that our family welcomes with open arms).
I met up with JJ on Sunday. Not so much to hang out, but because I needed a driver to take me home after my surgery. Surgery? Yeah, I’m getting the snip snip so that we won’t be in danger of adding kid number 5 to our family. Sky and I have talked about it and this is the biggest that we would ever imagine our family growing to. Anyway, it will be light duty and no bending over or playing or anything for the next 8 days. I went to Dr. Snip – no that’s not a joke, it is the name of the place.

What else? A few days later we got our van repaired for some scratches that the dealer didn’t do a great job of showing us (but they have been fantastic to deal with and took care of getting them repaired so no complaints about them). While that was going on we let the kids walk around and took them to Powell’s bookstore.
Rounding out the month – we thought that was it! Then we went into the bedroom and saw that Elijah had gotten ahold of a permanent marker and had some fun drawing on their bed, the walls of their bedroom, our washer our bathroom, and our hallway walls with said marker. It was a lot to clean up, and a good majority didn’t clean up so we had to repaint everywhere it was done. Not so much fun.
Lastly, October is right around the corner. I surprised Sky with a “Hocus Pocus” pop socket for her phone (her favorite fall movie) and she liked it. It looks pretty cool if I do say so myself.
just Pray