2023 – August part 1

Hey there

Happy August! We are at the turning point, hopefully, at the end of this month our weather will start to get cooler. Even if slowly… It’s something.

We started off the month by picking up a bunk bed for Luca’s room so that he and the new kiddo could share the space and make better use of it. Right now we still keep a third bed in the room for when we have visitors.

We also have had an electric company come out to the house and install a level two charger for our PHEV. The state pays for it to be done and will reimburse 100% of the cost, so at that point why not get it done while they are having this offer?

We went to church (as we have been doing with our new schedule, strictly on Saturday evening). Enrolled the kids in VBS (Vacation Bible School) at Clear Creek Church again. They have been going now for the last 2 years. They enjoy it.

It was only a little challenging when I had a call during the time that we were supposed to pick them up. So I had to work “remote” in the fullest sense. On the second day of VBS, the wife decided to surprise Arabella with a trip downtown for an “appointment” but she later found it the appointment was at an NF concert. At first, she was very upset that she was missing a day of VBS, but after learning why she was missing you could say she was SUPER excited.

She was able to make a few new friends at the church and both kids enjoyed going.

A few days later (that Saturday) we took the kids out of church a little early and the wife went with Elijah to a MONSTER TRUCK show. It was pretty cool as it was a “glowing” Hot Wheels event. Anyway, while they were there Luca and Arabella found things to do with me. I took them to a few places around town where Grimm (NBC show) was filmed. She was excited to see the locations. We used to love doing these sorts of things when we lived in LA (you can’t go far without having some sort of filming history in Southern California).

After we were done I thought it would be nice to take a trip to In N Out for the kids (especially after that monster truck show). Then the Van lost all power and came up with a message that it would be shutting off soon and that I needed to stop. This was while I was on the freeway, with the family. Scary, for sure.

We were able to limp the car home without going anywhere else. We decided that on Monday we were going to drop the car off at the dealer ASAP. Thankfully, this would be within the time of the CPO Warranty.

To lighten things up just a tad, I added a photo of Luca who climbed up on the counter, found the first spray bottle, and started to spray. This is a normal occurrence. Keep your eyes on him at all times or he will end up in a spot like this.

That is all for this time.

just Pray

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