2020 – June part 1
I know I left off the last post with a kick to the stomach. The killing of Black people and the systemic racism that is in our society. I’m glad we have a pastor at our church that is actively speaking up and out about these things. In one of the last sermons, he even mentioned how he went to one of the Black Lives Matter marches and his experience with that.
At least with the craziness of COVID and all of these things coming to light, there can be a foundation that is solid: The church.
This Tuesday we took part in #BLACKOUTTUESDAY. We felt it is important. Let’s do what we can and bring more attention and change to the way things are.
We had a cookout with the weather still staying moderately cool for us. Really was nice – enjoying our house and even having a cookout. We got a grill that was made in Australia (which is fitting fo the time that I had at American Express helping out with the Australian region.
We also went on a hike over in Washington. It was fun – we took a selfie during it because we had to huddle together. So we were hiking along and then it started to sprinkle, then started to rain and before we knew it we had a downpour of rain on us. We all rushed to some trees with good covering and enjoyed the rain.
Took another photo of our backyard. Fun fact: this side of the yard was previously all MUD with a few huge tree roots. It took a lot of work, then we had to lay down some sod, but the outcome was great.
We took a trip to a viewpoint and the kids were masked up (as they needed to be). Since we didn’t have enough masks they each got out to look around separately. The photo of me? That is just showing how long my hair is growing. I haven’t been to a place for a haircut for a few months.
just Pray
note: this post was published on 09/16/22 but moved the publish date back to the beginning of June 2020 to keep chronological order.