21 years ago
Twenty-one years ago.
September 11th, 2001.
From my blog 11 years ago:
“Never forget.
It blows my mind that TEN years have passed since that day.
I still remember. I was woken up early that day by my mom who rushed into my room and turned on my TV. She told me I had to see the news and what was going on. There I was, a senior in high school- sleepy-eyed and half awake thrown into shock and confusion on what was unfolding before my eyes. Then – an explosion. Now the second tower is in flames. I didn’t know what to think or believe. I was in shock watching these business people hanging outside a skyscraper some 90+ stories above the ground holding on for dear life. Some people fell (or jumped) rather than fight the inevitable death. It was like watching a horror movie but knowing it was all really taking place.
I went to school that day. Half the student body didn’t show up and the rest – like myself – appeared to be in shock. I remember in math class the teacher paused when entering the room, went over to his radio, and turned it on. For the rest of the period, we listened to what was reported. The pentagon. The towers falling. And speculation of another plane headed for the white house? Additional planes they didn’t know about yet?? Our world as we know it was thrown into war. War on American soil.
We were released early from school that day. I remember walking home and staring at that sad-looking flagpole with the flag hanging at half-mast. At home I watched the news until I couldn’t keep my eyes open, talking to friends on AIM and really just not knowing what else to expect.
Thankfully that was the extent of the attacks that day. Rescue crews would tirelessly look for survivors over the next week or two, all to come up empty-handed. This event has forever reshaped history, domestically and internationally.
Never forget.”
On September 10th we took a trip to Kennewick, WA, and visited a memorial site. 9/11 memorials are far and few between in the Pacific Northwest so yeah, we braved a 3 hour drive to go see this. We find it important to explain this history to our kids. It makes history real for them. Anyway, I’ve added those photos below.
just Pray