hey everyone
I have a headache…
As of today.. since July 8th 2001, I have gotten 50,255 hits on my three domains. (i2kdigital.net in 2001, shoxwave.com in 2002 and jshox.com since 2003) That equals out to roughly 34 per day. My most active day was November 3rd 2004 when I had 2192 hits. Not too shabby considering I don’t have a really active website.. yes I know it doesn’t matter, but it is random information for everyone 😉 and I think its cool.
So what’s been up in the life of me? It rained on Tuesday, it was nice.. all through the day. I went out side and got soaked.. did I mention I like the rain? Yeah, I wish it would rain more often… but I must say this is one of the wetter monsoons that Phoenix has had in a long time… and yes that is a good thing.
Wednesday I went out to lunch with my Mom & Bro because it was the last day with my bro for probably a couple months at the least. It was good.. but I must say.. when we took him to the airport today he got all emotional saying goodbye to me. He said he ‘hates saying goodbye’ to me.
That brings us to the more current of events… I was up at 4am today, we took my brother to the airport (he will be spending a week east of Seattle with his girlfriend) so he is out of here. I’m next. woohoo
So just now I checked my email. Good news after all, on two levels.
The more important of the two is that I have been approved for a loan that will take care of school. Pretty quick too if you ask me…
Tonight I think I will be doing the bulk of my packing. I haven’t really done much so far – except get things ready to go. I had a case for my laptop but it was too small (mine is a 17 inch wide screen) and it was built for a 15 inch. So I am going to go pick one up tonight from Fry’s electronics or Best Buy.
The other thing topping the good news of the day – is that I may have other sources helping me out with school for the first semester. That would be very helpful indeed.
I feel very scatterbrained. Can you tell? I haven’t done anything in order today.
On the sports front.. Yankees have been robbed from the last two games.
Hm, ah well
Pray Hard, God Bless