how is everybody doing? I’m jam packed with good news today. So sit back and relax.
At work this week I got a memo that I will be getting a raise to $12.00 per hour. Yeah isn’t that kind-of cool? I think so.. for the last week at work I’ll get the raise. They just want to keep me don’t they? hah.. I wish it were that simple. The whole call center is getting a raise in pay… however only the top 50% ranked of people for the past 3 months get the raise.
Pretty cool huh?
Next little thing is that I went into work today *checks time*… well yesterday, and I noticed I had 5 days left. I had a meeting from 12 – 1:30 so that got me off the phones for a good amount of time too. It was good, some managers were called in, my whole team… and they bought this cake, and all this stuff… they said goodbye to me. 😉 awww. For little ol’ me. I felt special.
Alright well lets cut to the chase…
This evening I had a long talk with Tina…
Me and Tina have decided the best course of action would be for us to grow as friends. I think its a great move and she does too. We have talked it out to the full extent and we both feel foolish for moving in as quickly as we did. (Note to all: This makes me think of the movie ‘When Fools Rush In’) We also see our lives are moving different directions, and sometimes the same direction, but things were backwards from the start. No hard feelings.. how is this possible? For one, our sights were set on Someone higher. We did not get too emotionally involved, and we agreed that being friends is the best way to grow. It is not one of those weird breakups either. We truly are going to be friends… I like it a lot. I don’t think anything with anyone has transitioned this smoothly for me. I am very upbeat about this change, and I think only good will come of this.
The bad news for the day is that I have had a pounding headache the past few days and it really hasn’t went away. The Yankees lost … to top it off. So by the way people, I won’t down your team if you leave my teams alone.
Unless you are a fan of the Lakers or Redsox, then I just feel sorry for you.
Well.. that’s all for now
Take care, God Bless