

Knotts. Not like the berry farm but rather the kind you get in your stomach. I am filled with them. Trying to not be, but I look at life and cant help but feel a little uneasy.

Everything fit. The U-Haul was jammed packed. Filled to the ceiling but it fit. I actually couldn’t believe how many things we own. Despite some efforts to downsize there are still quite the number of things we own.

The condo won’t let people park at the complex in front of the living areas… so we were forced to find some other parking for the night. A little ways away in the Ralph’s Parking lot is all of our stuff packed inside a 10ft truck and the car on a trailer behind it. Tomorrow is the day. Tomorrow is that day. Again.

Yet, looking at the time tomorrow is now today. Time really has sped by the past few weeks. Things have went into hyper drive. Now we will spend more money on furniture and services before I even start work. We have little other options. Limited is the best way to describe them.

Tonight/this morning we are sleeping in the living room. Not sure we will even be able to sleep that much. I know with how I feel I probably won’t get that much rest. I’m a mess. What can I do? I’m more surrounded by what I can’t do rather than what I can do. It’s quite the predicament to be in.

September. Already? Next week will make… 12 years since 9/11. How insane. Yet now it feels as tho the country is going to embark on new ways of war against new lands than it was 12 some odd years ago.. Not going to go into all of that. Syria is in the need of help, but who knows if they want that help to come in the form of bombings? I sure don’t. Instead of all the polls about if Americans want to bomb Syria, lets ask the people of Syria if they want us to intervene in the bombing ways that people are speaking of.

Woah, getting off track. Time. “Time is ticking away. Tick tick tickin’ away…”

More recently though it feels like we were just at Knotts. As of now it was almost a month ago. i can hardly believe it. Yes, I am taking this post full circle. I know that being in my late 20’s I am still young. I can however understand the old saying that “you wake up one day and life has passed you by”. I get it. I know how that could happen. Maybe not to the extent of some. But the fact that every year time seems to speed up more and more…

Anyway. I should try and sleep. It will be time to get up and go before I know it.

just Pray

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