
So today I went to work for a few hours, afterwards however.. I had plans.

Plans? Me… I know .. you think.. but who are you!? I am Jshox hear me roar.

Rawr! *cough* A-Hem. amyway…

I went home after work and told my mom I was on my way out. Then I suprised and called Kaysie when I was infront of her house. (I have a plan she knows about… shhh but.. I’m going to take her chickens) So she came out and we talked for a while. I got the grand tour.. and got to meet everyone.. and I know you are dying to know…YES.. I spotted the chickens. *smiles innocently*

So that was cool.. I got home at almost 7 and ate shortly after. Then after I ate we all went swimming. It was good.. but because today was mostly overcast (a rare thing) the pool was only like 86 degrees.

Then I came online… edited my one image that I really like, listened to music for a little, and decided to go play basketball.

So I shot around for a while, until some people came. Then I played with these two people who were pretty good, and buff *cough* Probably in their 30’s, I heard one of them talking about a kid he had that was a freshman in highschool. So we played 4 games to 21. First game I only scored 2 and followed by even better.. two scoreless games. The final game I tore it up and was leading like 15 to 13, then the guy hit a 3 and it was 16 to 15… then (3 players playing) the other guy got and shot the ball.. but as it left his hands the lights turned off. Game.

Rah! Oh well. I really couldn’t figure out their play at first, then when I did I had to adjust and re-adjust. First defense.. then offense. There was one game where this one guy swept both of us. 21 – 0 – 0. I then went home and dang… my feet were tore up. I dont know what it is.. every time I play a hearty game of basketball my feet get all tore up. It has happened since I was little.. but then it didn’t really matter to me that much.. and I dont think it was as bad either. Now I have to walk gingerly.

So I came home.. soaking wet because it was pretty humid out. Got a drink.. then another drink.. followed by my drink I have now. Yeah I’d say today was a good day. I liked it.

And thats it for today.

Take Care, God Bless.

Pray Hard.


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