Today was pretty good. I’m pleased. I’m thankful.
I went to work, and it was slow *thank goodness* & instead of getting off work at 5 like planned, I was vto’d at like 1:15. very cool…
So I came home.. got home around 1:30. We left to eat at around 2, *whole time talking about reasons for moving out of state, where God is calling, and just a bunch of stuff, not bad talk tho* and came home around 3:30ish.
Got online at 4… then Emily came over at 5.
We left to go to the Fire in the Sky … fireworks from Central Christian Church (notta bad show). Finally we arrived, and met up with Becky… for a little bit. Then me and Emily had a very heated discussion that kinda opened up our talking again. It was good… it was also good to get stuff out in the open more. Sometime in there we met up with Kaysie again.. shes a cool cat mind you, hung out with her off and on til we left. Then we went back to the show and whatnot.. and had a really good time Worshiping. It rocked.
Imagine a huge concert.. cept this one is hosted by your church. It was very cool. *sings a song “.. of Asian believers…”*
Then the fireworks, pretty good show.
Came home.. talked with Emily and my parents about some stuff, then sat and talked a little more in Emilys car before she left, more-over about meeting people in 2|4|2… how it can be hard.. and just other stuff. Stuff we didn’t really agree on.. but reguardless.. through this whole thing I’m going to be “pushing” her. More and more to the limit.
She can do it.
Anyway.. thats it for me. Pretty good day.. however I almost wished they woulda bypassed the fireworks and just had more worship time.
God Bless… have a great week!
Take care
Pray Hard.