
Whats up people?

It is possible to listen to God, and not understand what he is telling you, or maybe you think you know, but you don’t want to know? Confusing.

I have 3 sections of math homework tonight, so I’ll be up doin that, but other than that… I’m good to go. Thank Goodness its Thursday – this is like my Friday. Tomorrow I only have work.. and I get off at 4:30 on Fridays, then I have to drop my class. So.. it’ll be good.

Its good. Kickin back right now… listening to some Beverly Hills Soundtrack songs. lol.. go for the 80s. Whoop.

So what was up with ya’ll yesterday? My site got like 120 visits!!

And only 4 eprops? lol. Oh well.

More posting later, right now.. nothin to say.

Take Care, Much Love

God Bless


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