An Answer
Let me start this off by saying, we don’t always get the answer we want.
With that – you can probably already guessed the answer that I am talking about. I am talking about a job that I have been waiting to hear about.
A little over a week ago I contacted the company and asked them the status. They let me know they made an offer to another person. However they also let me know if that person did not accept the job, they wanted to give me the opportunity & offer me the job.
That is a nice way to slap someone in the face – yet tell them you love them.
I asked this company exactly what I could have done better. The response I received was this: nothing. The HR representative let me know that I was very well liked. The CEO said that I was very well spoken, knowledgeable and likely to get along with anyone I would work with. They also felt that I had a great understanding of the job, the duties and overall a very strong interview.
I tried to get down to the nitty-gritty. I asked her what I could have done better.
She let me know that my interview was so good they nearly offered the job to me… But given the fact that they couldn’t hire two people it was more of a coin toss than anything. It ended up coming down to this: I came across in my first few seconds during the panel interview as soft spoken.
I thanked her for her feedback. I went over every topic, every scoring that I received. She read me comments and feedback from everyone. They like me. Just not enough to hire me.
I know that God must have something better in store for me. Even if it’s just flipping burgers, I am sure that the larger plan/wider view in life is more important & has more meaning. It’s just not always easy to keep that perspective.
I’m not saying that I think I will be flipping burgers, I’m just saying that I tend to feel a little more downtrodden after another successful, yet failed interview.
What can you do?
In other news… It is less than a month until the wedding.
Keep in your prayers: Joey, JJ, Orien, Ralph, Jackie, Roy & Ben. Also feel free to keep my brother and Kris, as well as my parents and Maryia’s family in your prayers too. Nearly everyone I can think of is going through something now that isn’t so pleasant.
What really is left to say except…
just Pray