
So what happened in the past few days….

I’ve been playin a little more basketball .. and thats always good. I lost my shot and I’m tryin to find it again.

Uhm.. I’m registered for classes that start on Tuesday. Oh joy. I can barely wait.

Work has been good… its been slow, and thats good because I’ve been takin some issues with the way I handle calls head on. Its much easier to do when its slow.

Other than that….. here’s a cool link. Click here.

Then we come to tonight…

I watched Torque, eh.. okay movie, also School of Rock – it was pretty good. I would say neither were good but School of Rock was better… so I’ll keep searching for a good movie.

Other than that I’ve got nothin. And if I got somethin I don’t remember what it was.

So thats it for me.

Take Care, Much Love

God Bless

Pray Hard


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