This post says Sunday, but its really only Saturday Night.
Today was alllright. I slept in a little, and then Emily came over and we finished up watching a movie. The Missing. – Not a reccomended movie. Somethin’s gotta give?? or somethin like that… is a pretty good movie. So is Radio. *we watched those Friday night*
We went to church, pretty good time there.. hey I can’t complain about it. Crossing new bridges.
Then we come to tonight…. and yeah Tonight was pretty fun. Went to 2|4|2 and afterwards *skipping lots of run around* instead of going to Sonic like the group planned, we played some basketball with JJ. After that we all went to the Extreme Bean, relaxed a little, had coffee and soda. After attempting to play a few games, with no luck we finally ended up playing Scrabble.
I played my first two games of scrabble tonight.
I didn’t win, but hey, it was fun enough.
So tonight was pretty fun, I can’t deny. It was refreshing for a week like I go through.
God Bless
Pray Hard