
When my blood starts to ice over,
I inject the true love,
Boiling blood, burning for you.
Shot like a needle I can feel the warm infect my veins like a virus
Oh if we could all catch you.
I feel it take over my thoughts, and I start to sweat
Pounding through my eardrums, penetrating the head, the eyes
I sit, eyes watering.
Lord, please help me get through this day.
I need your help.
Taking up my cross daily,
Yes, I want the slivers that come with the wooden cross..
Because sometimes true love will drive nails into itself, all for us.
Lord thank you for all you have given me.
Thank you for my friends and family
If I ever needed a reason aside of You to become a better Christian,
Wait, there isn’t.
I strive to become better
Trying to live for You, and You alone.
Help me Lord
So as I feel my arm from the injected blood,
I sit in awe
Lead me to places where I do not belong
So I can bring the goodness of Your word.
Bring me to life.
Change me from who this world wants me to be,
To someone You can easily see in me.
Resurrect the deadend soul in me
For You I live.

Poem by J.A.D. © 2004

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