
Today? is 1 hour into Mothers day. Happy Mothers day to all moms.

This week was pretty odd. Not really a normal week. Just fishy things, like presentations for classes and stuff like that. Infact I only have 1 final that I have to take & its for math. Ah well.. here’s to doin my best.

Today was my off day. Watched Elephant, it was… like Columbine is thought to be. Sad, what this world is coming to, but I’m not here to talk about that. I also saw some Intollerable Cruelety – I think is the name, it was okay. And on Friday I saw the Last Samuri again… remember that I had seen it before, but Emily hadn’t.

Then later on today, went to Church. Was pretty fun, but when isn’t it? Getting to learn more people, and hopefully I’ll grow more too. Then when Cameron gets back from vaca, hopefully me and Emily will be able to get in a small bible study group.

Emily has never seen the Brave Little Toaster until tonight when I sat her down and watched it until like 12:30. I was like.. “You’ve never heard of it?”

No? Well then were gunna have to change that aren’t we. Most everyone knows of that, or has seen it right? Right? *sigh*

I can’t wait for Grits to drop their new album in June.

Oh… and… uhm…. I think thats it for now at least.

If you forgot to get your Mom somethin, take her out to dinner, give her a call, or Hug her.

Anyway, God Bless. Take care.

Pray for Kendy, Emily, JJ, Theron, Nikki, for Brandy, Cameron & family, My parents, Sabrina, Chris and last but not least… Katie. (No order.)

Pray Hard, then pray again…



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