Its been a while since I’ve posted, so I felt like it was time.
Nutty fact for the time being : In my own selfish ways I would like the world to end this very instant. After thinking about that comment tho, there are So many that still have yet to come to him. I am living for him, but things are so confusing.
The feeling of -…… I dont know, I suppose I just wanna live for God. Thats how I can put it. Fusturating week just passed, and hopefully it will make things better in the long run. Every well built machine breaks down now and then.
Gotta keep praying.
Other news? I dont know. Work has been okay. Today was pretty cool, I’m probably going to have a bad average handle time – because I spent like 30 minutes on 3 or 4 calls, but they all said “wow you are doin more than the last person” heck.. lol heres a great thing.. i liked it.. but its just the way things go. I was at work a few days ago on the phone with this customer who expected Sears to bend over backwards and do everything for him. I like to be straight and to the point, so I told him how things work, and that yeah, he can take multi routes, but will most likely end up in the same spot and what to do. He didn’t like my answer – enough to say… that I didn’t help him at all. So I ended the call at this.. “was there anything else I could assist you with today?” and he said “Nah, you really didn’t help my situation, but I want to end this conversation with a good feeling, you sound like a nice guy, and have been pretty good to me, so have a nice night”
Beats me. I just liked that. Crazy huh?
Thank God for little blessings over my week. Thank him for the Hardships that I run into, and thank him that I survivied another week.
Don’t forgive to give thanks.
I gave someone a ride a road up my work (2nd time ever) and he was saying to me “I don’t mind if you listen to that Jesus music” .. I was like “YEAH Jesus is the Only Way!” He said that the music was pretty good, and he didnt say it as an insult, I just didn’t like the way it was worded?
Anyway… I watched a movie… Cheaper by the Dozen tonight, Pretty good movie. One catch tho, Nobodys family is like that. *sigh*
So, thats it for me. Hope everyone has been having a Great week, please continue to pray for my friends.
God Bless.
Pray Harder.