
The Blazers season summed up into one clip.

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My day?

I met up with Cameron today. Talked about some good things. Didn’t go to classes, instead went to work. At work I waited to see what would happen with Larry. *you see, yesterday I told him that I’d probably just be written up but its no big deal so dont worry* but Larry, felt bad that I was being dragged into this. Reguardless of the outcome he went to the managers and made sure that I wasn’t apart of it.

Not one bit.

I was so Not involved, my manager came over and told me Larry cleared my name of everything.

So then today around 3:30 my manager called on Larry, and told him its time for the meeting. He got up and left to the meeting. Less than a minute or so later, another manager came over to his desk with an empty box and started to package his things up. Its not fair.

Not one bit.

So that was a big downer on a day that was turning out to be pretty good. Other than that.. I came home.. and did 1/2 my homework I had to.. and I stopped trying to do the 2nd half of it all when I stared at 1 paper for an hour and couldn’t do it.

Other than that…. – well that is pretty much my day. Hope everyone is doing Great.

God Bless

Pray Harder.


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