PDXWLF, weather talk & updates

We missed out a day on the WLF (Winter light festival).

This is because it was too snowy and slippery and icy, we decided to skip a day.

You’ll also notice a photo of Arabella with the heart. She has taken a photo with that heart each she could since 2022.

And with that, we have concluded the 2025 PDXWLF.

The next day we took the kids to a field trip to hear a local meteorologist (Mark Nelsen, who lives in Corbett) speak about the different types of winter weather that Portland has experienced, especially closer to the Gorge.

Afterwards, Elijah asked about tornados afterwards, Ara was too shy. The other two were too crazy.

I had my big presentation to the board about the future of our tech at work. It seemed to have gone well. Afterwards, they gave me a platter of food to take home. Can’t pass that up.

Not so fun: we spent nearly an entire day at the DMV, only for our number to not be called. The next time, we came 1 hour before they opened (and we were probably 20 or so back in line). Since Elijah kept me company, I took him out to breakfast afterwards.. just me and him.

And with that, we are nearing the home stretch of the month!

just Pray

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