I Got it!!
I’ve been waiting!! π woohoo. The next Rawkfist CD. Otherwise known as..
Thousand Foot Krutch – The Art of Breaking … released today. I got it in the mail today. Finalllly. I’ve been waiting. So you want a preview? click here.. no dont!! haha.. better yet go to my site
http://music.jshox.com I added a song.. for now.. Brenna picked Move.. I said Hurt π
I also updated my main site.. with a fresh new look. www.jshox.com what do you think?
This has been a good week so far. Both Monday and Tuesday they had me off the phones helping out with other stuff. That I don’t mind.. nope.. not one bit.
I also have an interview coming up… for a scholarship. This Saturday at 3 at church before the Tree63 concert. Pray about that… if I get this scholarship.. I wouldn’t need to use every last cent I have on school. Would be such a Blessing, but hey.. I’m blessed with what I have now, and that’s what I need to focus on. I would still be able to finance the money I needed enough to go, but I still wouldn’t mind the help. π
I also got in the Jars of Clay – Redemption Songs in today. I like these CD’s.
So I was helping the class with how they code out calls.. and I heard something that .. I thought was cool. This guy was on the phone.. talking to Hoang about God. haha.. not exactly work topic here. I over heard him say ‘yeah I have a friend who talks to me about this stuff every day.. he’s a really good guy’. Stuff when you don’t … expect it. I am apparently going to take Orien to the airport on July 31st when he leaves on Vacation because nobody else wants to, and well.. I don’t mind..
I stopped by Meg’s house last night. It was pretty nice… she has a really nice car now too. Its good to see her doing so well.. and she’s happy too! π *yes I know this was random, but its my site to be random on*
Please Pray for Tara and her family, death has taken a loved one, her cousin who just graduated. I know not the words to say, so I say nothing.. but sometimes the first duty of love is to listen.
It rained last night.. only for a 1/2 hour or so. From like 10:00 to 10:30, at 10:30 it was like 104 outside, and by the time my mom left to take Michael to work at 11:30 everything was dry. haha.. that’s funny. cept not… like my pool is 92 degrees? What kind of a pool is that? You jump in to get cool.. you get warm.. have to jump out and go take a cold shower?!? Only in Arizona.
Yankees .. well they continue to do what they’re best at. Winning.
7 days remain at work. Time is finally coming to an end.. I can see the end!!!
“The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.” – Eric Hoffer
Take care, God Bless!