2024 – Christmas and Lights!
Christmas eve we spent at New Hope. Had a nice candlelight service. It was nice.
Christmas was a blur. Mainly a lot of presents getting opened. I have more videos than photos.
One of the videos was of us telling the kids that we are going to take a trip to Universal Studios for New Years. Arabella was so excited she hid her face. Elijah kept jumping around, and Luca mainly repeated what the other two were doing. They are now anxiously anticipating the event.
However, before we get to that – we went to see the Santa Clones (see photo below). We’ve been doing this for the last several years and its a bit of a tradition at this point.

We also took a trip down to Shore Acres State Park (near Coos Bay) to see their Christmas lights.
It did NOT disappoint.

After we got done with the lights we stopped by the lighthouse. It had been a couple of years since we visited- and with the fog the lights were picked up even brighter than before.
The next morning we made a quick stop to see the inside once again (since we have their membership due to the kids school)

B-e-a-utiful. It doesn’t get old.
Next up?! So Cal!
just Pray