2024 – December part 1

hey there

We started off December a little late – in the sense of getting a tree. We normally have it up before now – but this year it just didn’t happen.

Here are some photos of us getting the tree, decorating it and a nice view from a viewpoint that was nearby.

It was a nice clear (but chilly day).

The next day my parents had to leave to go back home. The kids didn’t want that to happen.

What else?

Basically a lot of Christmas events. We went to Rise Church for their Christmas craft stuff they had planned, took Arya along with us (Ara’s friend who she recently had a sleepover with).

Before we knew it– it was time to go to New Hope for a Christmas singing event with the kids. They did pretty well! Elijah even ended up getting into the movements of the song, singing along and everything. It’s more than he has done in other churches we have went to.

That’s it for now – much more of the month left.

just Pray

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